February 2013 Moms

My baby is smarter than me

edited June 2014 in February 2013 Moms
Apparently they taught DS the sign for "more" at DC. He had been doing it for a couple weeks, and I only caught on like, yesterday. I just thought he was being cute/weird  :\">

He mostly does it when he wants to nurse, and started saying "mow" when he does it, which tipped me off. I kinda feel like a dummy right now, though!


Re: My baby is smarter than me

  • fishes said:
    He's started saying need too. Like "I need milk" he says "neee neee" while signing milk or more or grabbing my leg or pointing to something. I think it's because whenever he would whine at me I would ask, "what do you need?" I probably should have been saying, "what do you want" oh well, now I just have a needy kid ;)

    At least it was just because your DC didn't tell you. Grandma asks me about 5 times a day what nee and the more sign mean. 
    DS has been saying "nee" lately, too, usually when he wants me to hold him. I just thought it was an age thing - he's often assigning different sounds to things, then changing them up. Except his "nee" is really whiny, so sometimes I don't respond the best way :/ 

    Tell Grandma to get it together ;)  The more sign is freaking cute when done with little baby hands!


  • a13049a13049 member
    More was ss first sign, but is still. Her most used sign. Followed very quickly with all done.

    I felt kind of duh when she made up her own sign for snack. Grandma and grandpa caught on weeks before we did. She will make the sign. Like money tubing her fingers and thumb together and say "sna". Her new favorite word it try. If she wants to so something that we can't won't do at the moment she will give me big puppy dog eyes and say try.




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  • DD doesn't sign (I planned to teach her bit she started talking so early that there wasn't much point), but I think I consisted her by teaching her to be polite. When she asks for more food, I started teaching her to say "please." So she'll say "More!" And I'll say "More... what?" And she will say "Please!" Well, sometimes she will ask for more, and I don't know what food she wants more of, so I'll ask "More what?" And then instead of telling me what food she wants, She'll say "Pleeeease!!!" This has resulted in a few frustrating mealtimes because she's saying what she thinks I want her to, and I can't figure out how to get her to tell me what she wants. Oops?

    I guess there are worse problems to have than a super polite kid though, huh? ;-)

  • I had this today! E has been saying "ouchie" when he cries, and I thought he was starting to understand the correlation between crashing his head into something and causing pain. Makes sense, right? He seemed to be using it in the right context.

    Except I've been leaving his paci in his bed in the morning. Today, I put him in his crib and he picked it up, still crying, and said "ouchie ouchie!"

    *confused Mama* :-??
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    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

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  • Sagen said:
    So cute! Whenever I ask my babe if he wants yo nurse he signs more. If I don't ask he doesn't sign, he just starts trying to take my shirt off haha!
    When I ask DS if he wants to nurse, he does this hilarious, throaty laugh like, "Heck yes, I want to nurse! Oh, man, this is the greatest!"

    I love that kid :) 


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