June 2014 Moms

flat surface sleeping isn't working so well... your sleeping arrangements?

DD has been "sleeping" in the upper level of the pack n play since we brought her home 1.5 weeks ago. She sleeps in our arms, in the mamaroo for hours, but not flat surfaces unless she is in her tanking it sleep (as I call it, it lasts almost 5 hours if I let it) but this happens in the early afternoon to evening. Then come 11 on she's wide awake, which I know is typical for newborns. Anyway, I've tried feed change feed, change then feed to make her more sleepy, letting her fuss a little longer, but then I give in with no sleep. I figure she's way too young to " cry it out" but I'm beginning to wonder if I did just have her sleep in her crib I wouldn't be waking at every stir and grunt and maybe she'd fall asleep on her own. I guess what I'm trying to ask through all this rambling is do you all have LO sleep in your room, and if so did anyone change their minds after a short while? Or anyone else struggling to get their little one to sleep on a hard flat surface and if so what was your solution? I'm a nervous wreck to let her sleep anywhere but on a hard flat surface however the lack of sleep is making me an emotional wreck I know I typically am not. What are your sleeping arrangements? Sorry in advance if this could be better posted somewhere else and I'm being a total SS here...
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Re: flat surface sleeping isn't working so well... your sleeping arrangements?

  • jshropjshrop member
    She either sleeps on my chest or in her FP cradle 'n swing. During the day she naps at least once in the crib (trying to get her used to it for transition soon). She didn't like the crib until recently and we thought it had to do with being flat. Not sure what changed for her but she tolerates it now.
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  • diagonalleydiagonalley member
    edited June 2014
    Co sleeping usually at night is the only way I get more than an hour at a time. I try to do at least one chunk in his pnp because once he is off the monitor I don't think I will be as comfortable co sleeping. During the day crib or bassinet.
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  • Rock n play in play in her own room is the perfect sleeping solution for us. Baby loves her Rock n play as it is a tilted sleeper and she sleeps 3 hours at a clip at night. We have a really good monitor that wakes us if she cries but by not having her in our room we don't hear every little stir. We had her in her own room by her third night at home after the flat pack n play bassinet topper next to our bed didn't work.
  • @CAMag they are in the room immediately next to ours...with the doors open we hear them but we also have a video monitor that runs off our phones. It's got a delay of a few seconds though so we normally hear them first, immediately followed by them on the monitor.
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  • Charlie didnt like the crib until I spent a night asleep on the sheet myself (put it under me in the bed). I think it all smelled too new and fresh and not like anything he knew. Once I did that he started sleeping in there without an issue. Gl!

    That is genius! ! Definitely going to give that a try!!
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  • Mine has been sleeping on my chest every night, but last night I wanted to try the rock and play because sometimes she'll sleep in that during the day, but it didn't work. So I started with her on my chest and then I moved her next to me in the bed and that worked. I'm gonna look into getting a co-sleeper.
  • During the day she sleeps in her crib, pnp, or swing depending on where in the house we are. 
    We bedshare at night.
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  • She sleeps in her crib at night and has from the beginning right now shes in our room until she sleeps through the night because we dont want to wake our son up everytime shes awake. During the day she sleeps in the bassinet because our house is a 2 story and im not comfortable with her being on a different level just yet.
  • Tdonatonikatburdettecspencer85
     Those of you that sleep with your baby on your chest, are you  in bed, in a rocker?  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • We used the bassinet top on pnp for first few days, until I could do stairs after c/s, since we moved upstairs though he's been in his crib in his room (it is right next to ours). He's been doing ok with it. Some nights better than others. He does better when we have him in the swaddle blankets (we have a couple different ones of varying thickness. Once we get it right which one works for the night he's good - either too warm or too cool... We are getting better at it :-) )
  • MizooMizoo member
    We initially tried to have her sleep in the bassinet level of our pack n' play.  That only lasted one night, and her and I have been sharing the full size bed in our nursery ever since. 

    I had terrible SPD towards the end of my pregnancy and it hasn't completely gone away yet, so combining that nasty pelvic pain with the recovery pain from giving birth vaginally I could barely sit up in bed without help for the first week so getting in and out of bed to get a baby was not practical for me. 

    Kind of funny, I always said that no matter what I'd never bed-share. Ha! 
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  • LO sleeps in the PnP bassinet, in our room.  Because of his gas pain, our pediatrician recommended having a 30% incline to his sleeping surfaces.  We actually put a pair of pants under the bassinet mattress pad, and now it has a small incline.  He's been able to sleep there ever since we made the incline.




  • D has been sleeping in a bassinet in our room for pretty much all naps and at night.  Occasionally he'll sleep in his little lamb chair but I try to keep his sleeping routine pretty consistent.  However, he hasn't been sleeping well (1-2 hour stretches, max) so on the recommendation from multiple friends who said it was a sanity saver, I went out and bought a rock n play today.  We'll see if it helps.

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  • He sleeps in his crib wrapped in the miracle blanket. I love that thing it really helps him stay asleep and not flail and wake himself up
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  • She sleeps in her Rock and Play next to our bed. She has done several naps and the first few days home in her crib, swaddled, but she was crying much more often then she does in the Rock and Play. I am too paranoid to allow her to sleep on me unless I'm fully awake.
  • LO seems to end up on his side when I try and get him to sleep in the co sleeper so he's in the rock and play for now
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  • purtzpurtz member
    edited June 2014
    DD slept in her crib from day 1; and she always fell right asleep when she was swaddled and put down. DS is quite the opposite! I've probably spent half of the last 2 weeks letting him sleep in my arms (upright in my nursing chair) and the other half helping him to learn to sleep in the crib. He's a just a totally snuggler and I guess I am enjoying it!


  • emilyh107 said:

    Does anyone else ever wake up in a full panic thinking you've dropped LO only to find out they are safe and sound in their RnP? I've done this a few times. Sleep deprived, I guess

    I woke up in the middle of the night last night and was patting dh's arm thinking it was the baby. I asked him to pit Charlie back to bed in his crib. We don't bed share at night so this was totally a non issue.

    Married DH 7/30/11

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  • My mother bought me a womb bear. Omg life saver
  • @Emily107 I have that all the time. I wake up thinking I fell asleep with him in my arms and I am like searching for him in the covers when I realize I am just hearing him on the monitor and he is in the crib
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    The bumpie formerly known as First Time in MI
  • Hey there LB! For the first week and half he slept on my chest for about 2 hours at a time right after I fed/burped him.  Now he sleeps in the mamaroo next to our bed at night (and will go 5-6 hours if I don't wake him) and in my arms or the swing during the day.   Ive heard from a lot of other mamas that you just do what works for you and your baby and that they will change their ways often. So don't feel worried or bad if she can only sleep on your or in something other than her crib for the first few months.  Just do what works!

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  • Last night was horrendous. DD just would. It stop crying no matter what I did and I ended up crying too because I felt like a horrible mother not knowing what to do and to get her arms to stop flailing unless I pinned them down with some force. She's a strong little bugger! Once she fell asleep in my arms and I asleep, I could put her in the pnp. @kks4471‌ how did you know your LO had gas pains? Is he/she breast or formula fed? I suspect this could have been the issue last night and DD was grunting a ton and then crying hysterically with no consoling her even with the boob.
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  • MrsRahl said:
    Last night was horrendous. DD just would. It stop crying no matter what I did and I ended up crying too because I felt like a horrible mother not knowing what to do and to get her arms to stop flailing unless I pinned them down with some force. She's a strong little bugger! Once she fell asleep in my arms and I asleep, I could put her in the pnp. @kks4471‌ how did you know your LO had gas pains? Is he/she breast or formula fed? I suspect this could have been the issue last night and DD was grunting a ton and then crying hysterically with no consoling her even with the boob.
    This is exactly what happened to us!  He absolutely screamed at the same time every night, from 10pm to 2am, a horrible painful cry.  He is EBF, and even that would not calm him down.  We raised his head the same night of his ped appointment, and he didn't have the screaming tantrum that night.  A few nights later it did happen again though, so we asked about medicine at the following appointment.  We now give him OTC Little Remedies gas drops every night between 9pm and 10pm, and he no longer has these pains!  Thank goodness for relief!




  • @lest12‌ here's the sleeping thread!

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

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  • lest12lest12 member
    Thank you so much @Lilygrace48‌! This thread is really helpful. I'm going to try your tip tomorrow!


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