
Spotting and cramping during entire 2ww... On Endometrin. Help? Positive stories only please

JkfradeJkfrade member
edited June 2014 in Infertility
I have been spotting brown/light pink since the day of FET. Dr said my cervix was pretty irritated from the Endometrin suppositories, but I can't help but be extremely scared! I go for my blood test Wednesday morning, which is 10dp6dt (I implanted a 6 day blastocyst that was frozen). Anyone else have anything similar? I see blood (bright red) every time I take the Endometrin on the applicator, but nothing but brown spotting in between (sorry if tmi). FET - June 9, Blood test June 11 - progesterone 29, estrogen 200, Blood test June 13 - progesterone 30, estrogen 266, Natural cycle FET, so only taking Endometrin 3x per day

Re: Spotting and cramping during entire 2ww... On Endometrin. Help? Positive stories only please

  • It sounds like your doc is right. The Endometrin is probably irritating your cervix hence the spotting. Good luck with your beta

    Me: 32 DH: 35  TTC#1 since March 2012
    Dx: Poor Embryo Quality, Arcuate Uterus, Poor Uterine Blood Flow, Mild Endo, 
           Protein S Deficiency, Sjorgen's Syndrome 

    IUI #1-5: BFN
    Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy: minimal endo, partial septoplasty
    IVF #1: 10R/6M/6F ~ Day 3 ET = BFN
    IVF #2: 14R/9M/5F ~ transfer canceled ~ all embryos arrested at 1-2 cell stage
    IVF #3: 9R/5M/5F ~ 1 frosty!
    IVF #4 (FET #1): BFN

    IVF #5 (DE IVF #1 with Dr. KK protocol): Currently PREGNANT!!!!!!
    Synthroid + Prednisone + Metformin + Baby Aspirin + Supplements Galore = 15+ pills a day
    Lupron + Lovenox + Delestrogen + IVIG + B/W = 2-5 pokes a day
    19R, 17M, 17F - transferred two Grade A blasts 11/16, four frosties!!!
    Beta #1 11/24 (13dpo/8dp5dt) = 367 ~ Beta #2 11/26 (15dpo/10dp5dt) = 709
    Beta #3 11/29 (18dpo/13dp5dt) = 1,997 ~ Beta #4 12/1 (20dpo/15dp5dt) = 3,403


    My Blog: Running and Dreaming for Two ~ All are Welcome!
  • vpinevpine member
    As for the cramping, I had them badly all 2ww my 1st IVF, I also had spotting before my HPT, I did have a BFN so I'm sorry there's no positive story here. I am having cramping again, had FET on Friday and from reading online success stories, many cramp, many worry their periods will show, many spot the 2ww and still end up with BFP. Good luck to you, keep us updated
    Me: 32, DH: 34.
    Trying since Jan 2011. Unexplained IF.
    2 IUIs = BFN.
    1 IVF (Dec 2013) = BFN.
    FET, 2 frosties (June 13, 2014)

    14dp5dt-June 27 -BFP, beta 2061. 2nd beta >5000, 3rd beta >5000, 2 sacs 06/30.
    Twin Girls - 02/11/15 - at 37 weeks (no NICU, home with me at 3 days).
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  • Good luck
    Ready to take the road less traveled. 
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