Two Under 2

Advice from those with three?

I have been so exhausted lately. Much more than with the boys. I have a,ways been very active with them and even during pregnancies. I am chasing them around so I think that combined with the pregnancy has been kicking my butt. My son has speech therapy evey morning so between that, naps, ad my exhaustion it's been hard to get out like we used to. Any advice? I am starting to get a little depressed by it. I am hoping this passes and DS1 starts camp in a few weeks so that should be great for everyone. Sometimes the thought of taking them both out while feeling like this is enough to say lets just play at home. Ay other mom's go through this while pregnant with two toddlers? It is really getting to me. TIA
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Re: Advice from those with three?

  • Just do what you can!  I am one who likes to stay at home.  I don't see anything wrong with just staying home if that is what your body is craving!  It is good for the boys to learn to be content at home and not always have to go go go.  Also, give yourself some grace!  Allow yourself to rest more, take naps when the boys nap and that sort of thing.  Make some easy meals and use paper plate.  Pregnancy is so hard.  I can't even imagine hauling all of mine out everyday, let alone while pregnant!
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  • Thank you for replying. I guess I feel guilty when we don't go out. I find if I at least take a walk I feel better, too. I decided to try and and take them for a walk super early and then just have my sitter come more often to make things a little easier on me. Then hopefully when I am up for it I can do fun stuff with them, park, gymboree etc. Thank you again. Sometimes you need to hear that you aren't being lazy, and you are right...maybe I should listen to my body more.
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  • I'm pregnant with LO#4 and the older three love getting out and doing stuff... ANYTHING. So we've found the best thing for us is to go to my sister's house (she only works weekends, and has a 3 year old) and spend a day with them... my sister is 8 weeks further along than I am but between the two of us we can handle all 4 girls like it's nothing and we get to rest more than if we were each alone with our respective kiddos. 

    Don't feel guilty for doing what feels right... it's the only thing that's going to work in the upcoming months until you get into the swing of things with having more little ones running around. 
    Me - J.R. - 05/1986
    DH - J.I. - 08/1986
    Married - 09/22/2006
    DD#1 - A.E. - 12/15/2009
    DD#2 - N.R. - 11/07/2011
    DD#3 - S.R. - 05/20/2013
      DS - R.E. - 10/03/2014

    Absolutely in love with our 'big' family!

    I'm also a proud Auntie to a crazy little girl, her brand new baby sister, a little man on his way in the next month, and a sweet little mister we will miss forever!!!
  • lana22lana22 member
    Let the guilt go. If you want to take them out, great, but they should be ok playing at home for stretches and not having outings/playdates every day. If they nap in the afternoon together, sleep! It's been my saving grace some days - all three of my pregnancies I've been exhausted in the first trimester.

    I can relate cause my boys like to play outside and it's great for them, but some days I can't handle constantly chasing after the younger one who requires a lot of supervision in our yard. That said, sometimes I set up the water table and get a good 45 min where I can sit and watch them play there.

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  • I think you're being way hard on yourself here!  It's perfectly OK to not go out all the time!  I, too, have found this pregnancy to be WAY tougher than my previous 2.. mostly because, I'm not chasing a baby and a toddler.. my kids nap on opposite schedules so my days are constant.. and, there's just a LOT more to do physically when caring for 2 kids as opposed to just one.. with that said, I go out when I can, and I never beat myself up about staying home!! Esepcially now in 3rd tri, it's HARD to get out of the house with the 2 of them.. putting them in and getting them out of the car take a LOT out of me.. I end up in a ton of discomfort, having tons of BH, etc.. It's not worth it.. so, we limit our outings to the weekends when Daddy is home, or occasionally 1 day a week.  However, we do play outside a lot.. like PP said, I can set up a sprinkler and water table and blanket and I can sit out there "with" them, but still be sitting and they're playing having fun.  It's getting harder with the heat, but we still manage to go out for at least an hour or 2 each day that I'm home :)  Don't be so tough on yourself!  You're growing another human... and, it's important you're not overdoing things for his/her sake, too!
    Loss #1: 18w5d.. D&E 04Mar03 BFP #2: Jun2011.. missed miscarriage. D&C 08Jul2011 8w4d. BFP #3: Nov2011.. Our Rainbow Baby!!! DS Born: 15Jul2012! BFP #4: Nov2012.. 2U1 - DS2 born 12Jul2013.  BFP #5: 01Jan2014..3U3!!



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