March 2014 Moms


You ladies know what day it is..


lets hear em' !!


Married  : ** 09/09/2011  ** BFP : 07-18-13 ** Baby #1 is a GIRL , Born 03/12/14 ** 
** BFP 2 :  01- 05-15 ** EDD 09-11-15 **

Image and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie First Birthday tickers

Baby S 2. Lilypie Maternity tickers


  • My LO is still waking up every 2 hours at night and hates going back to her bed so I spend all night up trying to make her sleep between feedings or awake because I can't sleep w her on top of me. I'm beyond tired. I thought she was supposed to start sleeping longer stretches I have been functioning on two to 3 hours of sleep.

    My mom and aunt keep arguing and putting me in the middle of it. I told them to leave me out if their pity billshit drama cuz I don't have time for that.
  • My computer at work HATES excel.  Before I left for leave I was having all these weird copy paste issues, now documents won't save.  It is maddening!  I hate when things don't work right.
    Lilypie - (fm2j)

    Lilypie - (YesX)

     My Pregnancy/Parenting BLOG TTC since 5/2011, BFP #1 12/3/11, M/C 12/7/11 @ 4wks 2d. Began seeing RE Sep 2012. October 2012 Metformin 1500 mg= ovulation on CD34 BFP#2 11/14/12 9DPO, EDD 7/26/13, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks, our angel born sleeping 3/24/13 @ 22wks 2d. BFP #3 7/4/13 8DPO EDD 3/22/14, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks. started insulin @16 wks.  Our rainbow, born 3/19/14 @ 39wks 6d., we're so in love!


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  • Jt7dreamz said:
    I start work next Monday. It's not a bitch. I'm just sad. I don't want to leave her. I wish I could work part time but that doesn't exist at my firm. Snuggling this lo all week. I guess my bitch is I feel like I'm supposed to do it all. Being a female in high finance in NYC I'm supposed to be thin before being back to work, somehow I'm supposed to pump during the day (we have a fancy setup at work), have a perfect baby and perform a job that used to easily take 50 plus hours a week in less hours so I can see lo and smile while doing it. It's just so unrealistic. Forget that I have to run the household and advance in my career with a perfect wardrobe and perfect hair and nails for clients. I'm just not sure how this will go. Well. Not true. I do know. It's impossible. Edited for spelling

    I hear ya.  I'd love to do part time as well but my company doesn't do it either.  I feel like I am failing at all three things (worker, mother, wife) instead of being able to stay home and just be a good wife and mother.

    I have to take a damn day off work this week to clean the house for the reception after LO's baptism this Sunday.  I have NO time after work and we're pretty busy Saturday.  I think it's ridiculous I have to use a vacation day just to get a chance to clean our house.

    Lilypie - (fm2j)

    Lilypie - (YesX)

     My Pregnancy/Parenting BLOG TTC since 5/2011, BFP #1 12/3/11, M/C 12/7/11 @ 4wks 2d. Began seeing RE Sep 2012. October 2012 Metformin 1500 mg= ovulation on CD34 BFP#2 11/14/12 9DPO, EDD 7/26/13, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks, our angel born sleeping 3/24/13 @ 22wks 2d. BFP #3 7/4/13 8DPO EDD 3/22/14, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks. started insulin @16 wks.  Our rainbow, born 3/19/14 @ 39wks 6d., we're so in love!


  • I may finally kill my MIL.

    She's still upset at my father for being aggressive towards the nurses when my meds were messed with during recovery.  She didn't like the way he spoke to the nurses.  Was he harsh?  Yeah.  But I couldn't advocate for myself and being nice wasn't getting it done.  Could he have been calmer?  Yeah.  But he's 65 and not going to change.  However, despite the fact that he wasn't the nicest to the nurses (which we don't feel great about but we can't change it), he was never disrespectful to my MIL, has never raised his voice toward her, and has never done anything to insult her in her home or otherwise.

    Originally, she didn't invite my father and stepmother for father's day.  Not a big deal in some families, but we have spent as one big happy family since getting married. The bigger deal is that she didn't tell me about it and I found out when my father called and asked what the plans were.  I asked her about it and she started making excuses and eventually caved and invited them but she wasn't happy.  Lady, you snuck around and LIED to me!!!

    We told my ILs that we needed to leave by 7:15 because we are trying to stick to our routine of in bed before 8, otherwise we have a very cranky baby on our hands.  My ILs NEVER get food out in a reasonable fashion (they invite you for dinner at 6, dinner comes out at 7, maybe 7:30) so we stressed that dinner HAD to be on the table by 6 and we would come at 5.  Well, dinner was on the table at 6:30 and as predicted, because we couldn't leave until 7:45 the meltdown began at 7:30.  We got her down ok but it is maddening because they wouldn't let us host the holiday when we offered to and then didn't respect what we needed for our daughter!

    Additionally, MIL was so cold towards my father that when we were alone in the room, he asked what was up.  ::sigh::  MIL is talking about separate holidays from now on and both DH and I are upset, because if SHE is the reason that we now have to rotate between 3 families, we have both agreed that they come last.  Her family has no relationships because of family feuds because people can't let go of stupid shit, and now she's starting it with the next generation.  She needs to let this go.  DH is going to have a sit down talk with her but I don't like where this is going.

    RIP Dr. Irving Fishman - 10/1/19-7/25/10 - thank you for holding on for me.
    You made my wedding day complete.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • twinlove314twinlove314 member
    edited June 2014
    Mine ended up being a little long
    Yesterday my fil's wife (his second marriage) decided to make a scene on mh's Facebook wall. I'm not going to get to into too many details, but, she called him several names and brought up several things that don't concern her in the least bit, and intentionally posted on fb so "everyone could see his true colors" sorry lady, you've only been in the same state as dh less than a handful of times, pretty sure you have no idea what his true colors are. A lot of mh's family and friends are absolutely shocked that anyone could be so cruel, and amazed that she would do such thing on mh's first father's day. I am still in shock over this. Mh and fil had just recently gotten to a good place in their relationship, and her actions have stopped it in its tracks. We were planning on bringing the twins to see fil and her 4th of July weekend, but, that's not happening now. The only good that's come from this, is, I don't have to go bathing suit shopping now :(

  • My poor, sick pup had diarrhea all over our bed at 7am this morning. Cleaning it up was a mess. He keeps getting thinner and no medical interventions are working. I know it is only a matter of time before he leaves us and I am just so sad and can't imagine our home without him. My heart just aches preparing for it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • It's raining here. My shirt is rayon so now it's wrinkly... Only on top of my boobs. The rest of my shirt was dry. :-w
  • My poor, sick pup had diarrhea all over our bed at 7am this morning. Cleaning it up was a mess. He keeps getting thinner and no medical interventions are working. I know it is only a matter of time before he leaves us and I am just so sad and can't imagine our home without him. My heart just aches preparing for it.

    I'm sorry, watching a furbabies health decline is really hard :( creepy Internet hugs to you
  • Jt7dreamz said:
    I start work next Monday. It's not a bitch. I'm just sad. I don't want to leave her. I wish I could work part time but that doesn't exist at my firm. Snuggling this lo all week. I guess my bitch is I feel like I'm supposed to do it all. Being a female in high finance in NYC I'm supposed to be thin before being back to work, somehow I'm supposed to pump during the day (we have a fancy setup at work), have a perfect baby and perform a job that used to easily take 50 plus hours a week in less hours so I can see lo and smile while doing it. It's just so unrealistic. Forget that I have to run the household and advance in my career with a perfect wardrobe and perfect hair and nails for clients. I'm just not sure how this will go. Well. Not true. I do know. It's impossible. Edited for spelling
    I understand in a way. I feel completely overwhelmed with everything right now too. Because of Will's health we didn't want him starting daycare until 6 months, so I am working full time while also full-time caring for him. I feel like I'm not doing a good job at work and not doing a good job at taking care of him. Plus since my husband is spending every moment of his spare time (which isn't much) training for an ironman I do all out of work child care too, plus all the cooking, cleaning and laundry. I don't resent him at all and am completely supportive. I want him to do it. But it's really hard for me to not be able to keep up. 

    I know my H understands what's going on and appreciates me a ton, but I still catch myself getting snippy for not being appreciated enough. I can't physically fit in work out time and I put a lot of pressure on myself to be in shape. All of our friends are super fit and I hate feeling like the lump around them. 

    Like you said, it's impossible to do it all. There is just no way and I am too much of a perfectionist to accept that. 
  • Today's my birthday and I'm at work. At least only for half a day though.
    Married 11/23/11, TTC starting 10/12, BFP#1 11/30/12, Adoption of stepson finalized 03/19/13,Loss of our daughter at 20w4d due to incompetent cervix 03/27/13, BFP#2 06/28/13, DS2 born 3/1/14.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Here's a real bitch:
    My BIL is a pretentious asshole. He had a son with a woman he had an affair with. He has never once actually parented his son yet he constantly has comments about how his son's mother is raising him. His son will be 10 in July. Currently my ILs have my nephew while his mother is moving to a new house this week (because god forbid his dad actually take him to help her out). BIL will not come see his son while he with his grandparents.

    Yesterday we had a birthday party for DS1 and my ILs brought my nephew down. It was fun and everyone had a good time and it was great for the cousins to hang out. I posted pictures of the party on FB and tagged both my BIL and my nephew's mother in any pics with my nephew. My BIL went and removed his tag. He has more pictures of his damn dogs and him drinking "fancy" drinks than anyone cares to see. He has MAYBE 10 pictures of his son out of the hundreds and hundreds he has on his page. He also posts numerous pictures of his girlfriend's 3 daughters and never had an issue being tagged in other pictures of mine that were of him or his girlfriend.

    The pictures he does have of his son are all ones he took and are "artsy" artsy as you can get with your iPhone. His son currently has pretty long hair and kind of looks like a girl, but so what, he's 10 and his dad should want to show off pictures of him. BIL is a line producer for movies, mostly independent films, and I really feel like he is more worried about maintaining an image for others than truly loving his son. My nephew is just like my BIL, artsy and creative and imaginative yet his dad is ashamed to be affiliated with him.

    It just breaks my heart for my nephew.
    Married 11/23/11, TTC starting 10/12, BFP#1 11/30/12, Adoption of stepson finalized 03/19/13,Loss of our daughter at 20w4d due to incompetent cervix 03/27/13, BFP#2 06/28/13, DS2 born 3/1/14.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm so grossed out by my pp hair loss. There is hair EVERYWHERE. I keep picking it off the girls and digging it out of my bra. I'm vacuuming daily. But it's all over the place. Yuck. Also, I'm pretty sure I'll be bald soon.
  • @CLO1982 Perhaps my wording of it isn't put the right way . I don't see anything wrong with daycare, school etc. I may have to put DD in a daycare and I worked at one on college, theres NOTHING wrong with it  .  I don't look down on people who put their kids in daycares, my comment about me not  " raising " my child is something I PERSONALLY feel. I have really bad anxiety/ depression about not being there for my child the way I WANT to be there for her. Its something I PERSONALLY deal with. The way you feel about your kids is your business , and the way I feel about mine is mine.

    You are, of course, completely entitled to feel this way about parenting your baby. There is nothing at all wrong with feeling that you would be best served being at home with her full time. Whether it's caused by anxiety or just the desire to stay home, no explanation is needed. The wording just flips me out when someone says others are raising their child because it really comes across as so judgy (not a word so probably misspelled). I know you didn't mean any harm or intend it as a personal attack...I just read it as I was about to add my Monday bitch that was very much related. I was like 'aw no she didn't go there!!!!!'
  • kstar83kstar83 member
    edited June 2014
    I feel like MH has given up on us as a couple. I know he wants sex, but I don't feel close to him at all. It is like he tried once, the same day I was cleared. I keep looking for him to make an effort to make me feel appreciated, or that I am still attractive to him after putting my body through hell. I have lost almost all the baby weight, but as we all know, it just doesn't look or feel the same.

    He likes to spend his down time on "tasks" like building a gate, mowing the yard, cleaning his car, etc. He keeps plowing on with his way of life instead of understanding now that we have to try to get her in a routine. He is impatient with her, will feed her an ounce and then burp her and if she isn't crying will just put her in a rock n play and work on something else.

    When I talk to him about this he seems to understand. But then it happens every time. As a result, LO got 2-30minute naps sunday and had a complete meltdown because of it. And she only had those naps because I stopped everything I was doing and forced it to happen. I want her to be able to sleep so that we can understand her routine and be able to have time connect. I also want to feel like if he is watching her, he does more than just throw her in the pack n play and go on about his life.

    Yet, he is totally freaked out that tomorrow I am running an errand while our awesome nanny watches her. She is here every morning (I WFH) and is way better with LO than he is, frankly.

    Edit-OMG that was so long, had to condense. Sorry.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • It's my first birthday without my dad I miss him :(
  • @CLO1982 Perhaps my wording of it isn't put the right way . I don't see anything wrong with daycare, school etc. I may have to put DD in a daycare and I worked at one on college, theres NOTHING wrong with it  .  I don't look down on people who put their kids in daycares, my comment about me not  " raising " my child is something I PERSONALLY feel. I have really bad anxiety/ depression about not being there for my child the way I WANT to be there for her. Its something I PERSONALLY deal with. The way you feel about your kids is your business , and the way I feel about mine is mine.

    I feel the same way....and my take on your comment @futuremrstonyasmith was the way you just described it....not that you're judging for kids being in daycare, but that it makes you sad and to you it does feel like your kid isn't being raised by you because you're missing so much of her day to day life and you're sad about that.

    I get up at 6am and drop my LO off at my dad's at 7.  I pick her up at 5:30 and start her bedtime routine between 8:30 and 9.  So on average during the week day I see/spend time with her for 3-4 hours, but it's really less because much of that time I'm cooking dinner, getting things ready for the next day, etc.

    I'm jealous that my dad gets to be with her all day, take care of her, snuggle her and probably get to see a lot of her firsts whereas I don't get to.  Yes she is my child, I am raising her but my dad is getting to do all the stuff I want to do. 

    @clo1982 you make a good point, once kids are in school they are with someone else for 6 hours a day but nobody considers that to be weird.  But I think that is because A. it's always been done that way and we're used to it.  I for one stayed home with my mom till I went to kindergarten, so not getting to spend that much time with my own daughter is an adjustment for me, and B. kids grow up so fast and we only have five short years before they go to school and are gone so much, so THIS time is even more precious to be with them while we can.

    That was my interpretation of the "raising them" comment.  It wasn't judgemental, it was sad.

    That was my point. School is pretty standard, I mean I understand the need for education and socialization that comes along with school and daycare. My point being these months are crucial and I just love watching her change and grow. BUT my weekdays are just a pain between working 9+ hours a day going home laundry, cleaning, cooking , bathing. By the time everything's done its bath time and bed. I just feel like I have no time to be there for her as her mommy. My mom and MIL have her all week I just feel like they spend more time with her then I get to.


    Married  : ** 09/09/2011  ** BFP : 07-18-13 ** Baby #1 is a GIRL , Born 03/12/14 ** 
    ** BFP 2 :  01- 05-15 ** EDD 09-11-15 **

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie First Birthday tickers

    Baby S 2. Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • SurpriseAt39SurpriseAt39 member
    edited June 2014
    I'm fairly certain when I checked The Randomest Thread earlier that I was on page 442. It currently tells me it only has 339 pages. **439**
    Yes, I've refreshed.
    Yes, I've hit the forward button.
    Yes, I've opened a new window.

    I know there has to be more recent posts because there is only 1 post from yesterday on it and I know I read stuff yesterday that I wanted to respond to.

    How many pages are there REALLY now???

    Any other suggestions on how to fix it?
    I'm using the browser on my phone. I haven't downloaded the app. (I'd prefer not to because I don't have enough memory/space)

    Edit:**page 439, not 339**
  • tsmith312tsmith312 member
    edited June 2014
    I'm fairly certain when I checked The Randomest Thread earlier that I was on page 442. It currently tells me it only has 339 pages. Yes, I've refreshed. Yes, I've hit the forward button. Yes, I've opened a new window. I know there has to be more recent posts because there is only 1 post from yesterday on it and I know I read stuff yesterday that I wanted to respond to. How many pages are there REALLY now??? Any other suggestions on how to fix it? I'm using the browser on my phone. I haven't downloaded the app. (I'd prefer not to because I don't have enough memory/space)
    ME TOO. It keeps telling me people are posting but I cant read past page 432!


    Married  : ** 09/09/2011  ** BFP : 07-18-13 ** Baby #1 is a GIRL , Born 03/12/14 ** 
    ** BFP 2 :  01- 05-15 ** EDD 09-11-15 **

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie First Birthday tickers

    Baby S 2. Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • So it's not just me!!! I guess I'm relieved, but I'm still pissed.
  • bjd316 said:

    So it's not just me!!!
    I guess I'm relieved, but I'm still pissed.

    Nope, it's doing the same for me too. It's not even showing me that it has new posts nut it's at the top of the page because of most recent activity.
    This was about to be my bitch
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @ProudMommy030614‌ happy birthday! I wished you a happy birthday in the Randomest thread but it's being an asshole so no one can read it. :)
    Married 11/23/11, TTC starting 10/12, BFP#1 11/30/12, Adoption of stepson finalized 03/19/13,Loss of our daughter at 20w4d due to incompetent cervix 03/27/13, BFP#2 06/28/13, DS2 born 3/1/14.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • dotgirl2 said:

    Gah! I now have the chills, body aches and a temp of 101*. Feels like flu, but it's June! WTH?!?

    Summer flu can happen. It sucks! Hope you feel better soon!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • jrw526jrw526 member
    My MIL just showed up at my house unannounced.
  • Mine for the day/week/next unforceable future:

    I hate how expensive formula is!!!! And childcare!!!! Come in grandparents someone quit their job :(.

    Side note just kidding about the grandparents I wouldn't ever expect someone to do that
  • My husband and I were on Skype with my MIL over the weekend.  LO was cooing and making noises.  My MIL says "Are you telling a story?  Are you telling me how badly your parents treat you?"   WTF is wrong with this woman!!!!!!!!  I said "That's not nice" two times and my husband was like "What?".  I then left the room.  I hate that woman and we will not be Skyping anytime soon again.
  • I fee like my BF's are always about MH's grandmother, but here it goes...

    We went to her house for dinner last night and as soon as we walk in the house she gets in LO's face, just like always. Thank God I had to go pump, so I got 15 minutes of peace from her. MIL and I were sitting outside with LO and MH's grandma comes out and says it's my house so give me the baby. Wtf?!?!? MH said she was sleeping and to leave her where she was (in MIL's arms).

    Later LO was getting a bit fussy because she was tired and grandma told MH to hand the baby over to her. Sure let me hand my fussy LO to you so you can calm down the baby that always cries when you hold her because you are always in her face, sure!! Sometimes I wish that I didn't have to go over there.
  • Over the wknd we had a family reunion to go to for DH's side. I love these ppl, but not my idea of a fun Saturday. So anyway, when we get there (it's at a park) LO is taken from me and passed around to EVERYONE! I'm trying to relax and be ok with it. Finally, the passing around has stopped and DH's mom and aunt are holdin him and tell me to go have a good time. So I go play some volleyball and yard games and enjoy some beer. I check in frequently to make sure they don't need anything.

    At one point I walk over and his aunt looks at me and says 'Oh I wondered when you were coming back for your kid' wtf? I've asked you a good 20 times if you want me to take him! Then an uncle makes a comment 'don't you ever watch your kid?' He laughs like he's flipping hilarious! Excuse me!?! Nope, I never watch him........ Jackass!
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