June 2014 Moms

Decreased movement near delivery date?

ElTrain5ElTrain5 member
edited June 2014 in June 2014 Moms
So I know that a lot of people experience a slow and steady decrease in movement as they get further along due to lack of space/sleep cycles. But I'm wondering if anyone whose delivered noticed a more sudden decrease in movement closer to delivery? Like...baby moved pretty often, then all of a sudden got real quiet, and delivery happened right after that?

I'm still barely making my 10 movements an hour (only when I constantly stimulate LO) but it's just so different than yesterday (and everyday before) that I'm worried. Going to call in if things don't pick up soon. Just wondering if anyone experienced this right before LO made their appearance?



Re: Decreased movement near delivery date?

  • MNOpeaMNOpea member
    I don't have this experience but I would call, if nothing less than for peace of mind! Thinking about you!
  • A few days before my water broke I noticed a big decrease in activity. She went from constantly moving to barely anything for about 18 hours. I happened to have a doc appt that day and they checked and she wasn't moving as much and ended up doing an NST. Everything ended up being fine, but my water broke 4 days later. Not sure if it helps but yea, happened to me. I also didn't know I was in labor before my water broke either so there's that.
  • Loading the player...
    I haven't had my LO yet but am experiencing the same thing as of today. I am also considering calling in just for peace of mind. Good luck and keep us posted.
  • I would call just to be safe.
  • I've experienced this too. Dr said it's normal and the wake and sleep cycles are really kicking in. I've started taking note of when little one is sleeping and awake. If you're really concerned drink something cold and sweet or a sparkling water and lie down in your left side. That always gets mine moving.
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  • MrsAyMrsAy member
    My LO has been like that for the last couple days, I freaked out on Thursday morning cause I didn't feel any movement but I had an appointment that same day and everything was fine. Yesterday morning was really slow too and then she got crazy in the afternoon, today has been slow too. I just laid down in the sofa and was able to feel her but I'm calling my doctor tomorrow if it continues like this. I understand how you are feeling, although my doctor said it is normal is hard not too worry. I'm 9 days away from my due date and I don't have any progress yet so I couldn't tell if it is related or not.
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  • Nope mine moved the entire time. I could feel him not long before it was time to push.
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