
** squishywife--i had a Ford Aspire too!! **

it sounds like we had the same model!  but i did have a radio in mine.   :-)

my aspire was red and my brother nicknamed it the " ZIT "  ha ha ha

i thought it was great---i even put a sunroof in that little car......boy did people mock me about that one!!  what was i thinking !?!??!

Re: ** squishywife--i had a Ford Aspire too!! **

  • EVERYONE made fun of it!!! but, all the boys were jealous i could drive a stick and often asked to drive it!  :)

    i remember filling the tank with $8!   imagine that! 

    ah, makes me appreciate my van now even more :)  i'm jealous yours had a sunroof and a radio!  my dad thought a radio "wasnt necessary", who knew they even sold cars without radios! 

    mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06
  • de ja vu!! i remember telling people that it was a stick shift and they were likw " what is that??! "  that is crazy about the radio! ha ha ha
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