Cloth Diapering

Question from FTM- Can my washer handle Cloth Diapering?

Hi ladies!

I'm a FTM due in September. I've been lurking on your board for a couple of weeks now to get some info on how to get started. Thanks for all the great info and tips! 

I'm starting to wonder if my little washer can handle cloth diapering. I live in a small apartment with no real washer/dryer hookups so we have this 1 cubic foot washer from Haier. It handles Hubbs and my laundry pretty well but I do end up washing about a load every day to keep up because of it's small capacity. I'm expecting that when the baby gets here I'll have to wash the diapers every night to keep up. I should also mention that I don't have a dryer at all but we're planning on installing a clothes line over the shower to accommodate the diaper drying. I really don't want to use a diaper service because they appear to be pretty expensive in my area. We do have a laundry room in the basement but I'm dreading dragging my sack of dirty diapers down to the basement every third day and the washers there are not ideal for the rinse/wash/rinse routine. At $2.50 a cycle, using the pay laundry would end up costing $7.50 per load of cloth diapers-- if I washed every 3 days that would be $75 a month just in washing.

Does anyone have any experience CDing in a small space with this or a similar washer? Do you all think I'm nuts for trying to CD without a full-size washer? Am I over-thinking this and everything is going to be fine?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Question from FTM- Can my washer handle Cloth Diapering?

  • I've heard of people using those type of washers and not having any issues but I wouldn't know from personal experience. I would probably end up washing a load a day to make sure you don't over fill your washer.
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  • I have no experience with the mini washer, but I do have experience with handwashing flats. If I was washing in a similar set up, I would go for the flats since they dry really quickly and of all the types are the least bulky in the wash. Another option is to do the pre-wash rinse in your tub/bucket and then wash in the pay washers. Some people don't do an extra rinse at the end and they don't have issues with their diapers.

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  • Even a full load of diapers is a pretty small load in my washer compared to a full load of cloths. I'm sure it will be fine. My concern would be the no dryer situation and no space to leave them out to dry. Some take FOREVER to hang dry indoors, so you will want to make sure you have plenty to use while you're waiting for the others to dry.


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  • Thanks for the feedback! 

    Do you have a good link for info on flats? I'm assuming they're different from pre-folds? 
  • You can definitely do it! I know there are moms on here who use portable washers (or even hand wash) and it's fine. 
    As far as flats go, they're basically a large square of single-layer cotton (or bamboo or hemp). Do you know what flour sack towels (FSTs) are? Those are basically flats (in fact, many moms use FSTs as flats and love them). They take slightly more time than prefolds only because you have to fold them, but they're so versatile! You can essentially customize your fold to absorb where your kid needs it. 
    You might also consider getting a small foldable drying rack to place next to a window. The sun will help with stains as well as speed drying. That way you can have some diapers ready a little faster :)
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  • @elliebeedub OOoooooo I just watched some videos on flats... they don't even seem that hard to deal with! I'll have to go back and revise my registry :) They also look like they'll dry really quickly which will be great because I live in a humid area.

    Thanks again for all your help!
  • We've got this drying rack, if you've got the room for it, it's awesome.
    We use indoors during the winter and it'll dry everything overnight except for our jeans.
    It folds up fairly compactly as well.

  • I do have the same machine as you do. I use it only for diapers. I wash everyday, I do a quick rinse first, then a normal hot wash, and a normal rinse. I have two clothes lines on the offices,and umbrella pins the I got at Daiso, for $1.50. In order for my diapers get dry I put the fan on them, it also help to avoid smell on the diaper, for not getting enough air.
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  • By the way, if you live in a small apt, is betters if you get a retractable clothes line. It will be much easier.for you to put it on and off for when you need space to take a bath. If you get a something similar what Kelly11235, is showing it will be using to much space on the apt. On the other hand it can be a good thing because you can put it out side on the balcony or whatever space you have outside, and let the diapers dry but, made sure you can have thing like the out side. My landlord doesn't allow me to have anything like that on the balcony, so before you buy something check if you have permission .
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  • I know people who have that washer just because they couldn't convince their H's that putting cloth in a regular washer is clean.  Seriously they only use it for cloth.  You should be good. 
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  • MamaPharmDMamaPharmD member
    edited June 2014
    I have that washer and have been using it for diaper washing. I do a quick wash without detergent followed by a normal wash with detergent. If it seems like there's still detergent left, I'll do another quick wash without detergent. Definitely don't overfill your washer as the machine can get off balance. Since you don't have a dryer, I would use flats and pockets because they dry quickest. Also, I would make sure to have enough changes for at least 2.5 days to make sure you're covered while each day's diapers are air drying.
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  • You're all so helpful! Thanks for all the feedback- I'm happy to hear that my tiny washer can do it!

    We are installing the retractable-style clothes line because we don't really have room for a drying rack. I think I'll get a collapsible one for sun beaching the stains but I'll have to use that on the roof so it won't be convenient for every day use. The fan is a great idea to get the air moving!

    I'm thinking 30 changes should be enough to start? I'd like to CD from the beginning because I know if I start with disposables I'll never make the switch!
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