I had my beautiful son on Wednesday. I had him via c section and everything went perfect. My doctor came in yesterday morning and told me I could be released yesterday or today. Something told me that I needed the extra day.
We had been all set to go home, the nurse said everything seemed in line for a late morning discharge. She came in about 1 and took my final BP which came back at 152/105. Because it was so high they kept me. I'm currently being watched for pre-e. The first round of labs came back fine but the doctor is having me do a 24 hr urine collection. If it comes back positive I'll start magnesium.
I just want to be home. My body hurts from the surgery and from being stuck on this crummy bed or chairs. I can't stop crying which doesn't help the situation. Please send positive thoughts/prayers my way.
I appreciate it ladies!
TTC#1 Since April 2011
BFP#1 5.23.12 C/P 4w4d
BFP #2 10.1.13
EDD June 10, 2014
Re: Could really use some thoughts and prayers
BFP #2 9/28/13....EDD 6/7/14
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
I hope it gets all worked out and you get to go home soon! I know it's frustrating!
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13
Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13
BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14
All Alers Welcome!
Baby #1: expected June 2014
Oct 21/13. Beta 360 @ 16 dpo
Oct 23/13. Beta 749 @ 18 dpo
Nov 24/13. Saw HB (141bpm) & baby wiggle around via ultrasound @ 9w5d due date changed to June 23!!
Dec 6/13. Heard HB (122bpm) via Doppler at OB @ 11w3d
Jan 9/14. Heard HB (124bpm) via Doppler at OB @ 16w3d irregular beat
Jan 29/14. DH felt kicks for first time @ 19w3d
Feb 2/14. Saw baby via ultrasound (quick scan in ER) @ 19w6d
Feb 6/14. Heard HB (126-134bpm) via Doppler @ 20w3d normal beat
Feb 15/14. AS - baby looked great (measured 1w small) and would NOT let us see sex! @ 21w5d
Feb 20/14 3D US - its a GIRL!!!!! @ 22w3d
Feb 27/14. Repeat AS for more pics, HB 124bpm @ 23w3d
Mar 6/14. Heard HB (130bpm) via Doppler @ 24w3d
****thought I posted this last night*****
I'm feeling better and more positive today. My H was so exhausted and stressed that he began feeling sick. My mom sent him home so he could rest and she stayed with me over night. I have been blessed with a really easy going baby so the night was easy and I got rest. Just trying to chill this morning and hoping that my BP has gone down even more.