Single Parents

(Dating) How long has it been...

eg214eg214 member
edited June 2014 in Single Parents
If you are in a relationship or whatever....just answer how long it took you to start dating again after baby or after your relationship with BD. One night stands and all that don't count.

PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014

(Dating) How long has it been... 27 votes

0-6 Months
18% 5 votes
7-12 Months
11% 3 votes
1-2 Years
3% 1 vote
3-4 Years
3% 1 vote
I've been single for 5 years or more.
3% 1 vote
I'm single right now and it's been less than a year.
33% 9 votes
I'm single right now and it's been a year or two.
3% 1 vote
I'm single right now and it's been more than two years.
22% 6 votes

Re: (Dating) How long has it been...

  • eg214eg214 member
    My one year ann of being a single person is around July coming up on one year. I ask this because I'm starting to feel like I might be interested in male company again/dating. I don't know though and I can't begin to try to figure that out since I am broke and don't have a reliable sitter yet.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • My situation is weird, though. And I totally voted for the wrong one because I was 8mo prego, 6mo sans-BD. my BF is a man I was pretty much in love with 10 years ago and we never got together and then years passed and he contacted me out of the blue and was like "I WANT TO SEE YOU SO BAD" and I was like "OMG, SEE ME ALL THE TIME ALWAYS".
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  • eg214eg214 member
    LOL @Roxalot. I am so glad yours turned out so great. My sitch like that ended up being coke dealer, cheating, possible gay. <----I don't tell many ppl that last part bc embarassing.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • I'm separated and within a month I started to talk to someone as friends and within 2 months it became more than that. However I have known him for over 10 years and I absolutely do not have him around my kids. It's definitely helpful to have this distraction. I do think about actually putting myself out there to meet new people but haven't yet. We started our divorce end of feb! I should also add he lives very very far away so it's not an in your face dating relationship which is perfect for what I have going on in my life now.
  • My stbxh has visitation so I go when the kids are with him. Or I will ask my sister to babysit.
  • It has been three months since the ex moved out and it has been on my radar to start getting out again but really no time. The closest that I have gotten was lunch "date" on my lunch break or sneaking away from work early to have a drink for 30 minutes before picking the lil emperor up from the sitter (and that has only happened once).

    Last Sunday, I did get to see a play that my ex from years ago (who still wants me and who says I am the one who got away) was in. But I didnt get a chance to talk with him too much after the show because I had to pick up the emperor from the sitter (and he was a terror for her, OH EM GEE!!!)

    My sitter/nanny say I should utilize her more if I would like to go out/start dating again but that would cost me money that I dont  have. His dad only gets him on the Saturdays (some of them) I work and doesnt keep him overnight (I am trying to change that).  I do not have any family near me so I am trying to find ways to make it happen.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I really like the idea (was it @eg214‌ ?) about us single moms living on a compound. We can have built in playmates for our kids and babysitters for us so we can have a life, date, take uninterrupted showers, and have good company!
  • I haven't dated anyone since I got pregnant. I went on my first date when DD was almost 7 months. I'm not feeling it. Maybe b/c I'm still breast feeding and no AF yet. So basically no relationship here for going on 17 months.

  • As for finding the time, ugh. I live close to my family and they take peanut for me. Even though they have busy lives it's kind of a family effort right now to find me a good mate. That sounds weird to say, but I want a husband, I'd like 1 more kid and I want a father figure for DD. My family wants all those things for us too so that helps with lining up someone to watch the baby. I'm also only willing to date people with serious potential to be efficient in the search. I know I won't be able to date as frequently as before but taking it slow is probably best for now...although not too slow, tick tock and all.

  • With me, BF and I go out very little.  We spend a lot of time together but with DD and when she goes to sleep we have about an hour or two before we go to sleep to chill out together.  To me, that's perfect.  I'm more of a homebody, he's more of a homebody, it works for us.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Dating? Ain't nobody got time for that!

    (I've been single 10 months and I'm in no hurry to date.)
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