Hi everyone. My friend whom I have been friends with for over 10 years told me she was pregnant. I was excited for her of course!

She told me however that she wasn't going to tell anyone besides her family and her hubby what the sex of the baby was until they day of her baby shower reveal when she cut the cake open. I told her I could respect that.
So, at the shower I see our other friends from our group, we have all been friends since high school with the Mom to be. I was chatting with them and found out out of the circle of our friends (4 of us including the Mom to be) that she had told my other 2 friends the sex of the baby and not me. I felt so alienated and excluded at that moment...I felt if she said she wasn't going to tell anyone except family that she SHOULD have stuck to that...now I feel awkward, and frankly offended. Part of me thinks I shouldn't care about a person that pulled that on me.
Another thing is that I went up to the Mom to be after the reveal and said, " A girl, you must be so excited!" Her reply as she actually smirked at me was: "I got exactly what I wanted." Then she turned off on her heel and walked away. I guess the conversation was over? I thought a more normal response would have been: "Thank you, I'm very excited to be having a girl. I wished for a girl, but would have loved the baby no matter what the sex."
So, I am new to these gender reveal showers, but are Moms to be supposed to make rules about revealing the sex to no one, then break them? If so what is he whole point of the reveal other than to get attention?
Sorry in advance if I sound bitter, but the whole experience has soured the view of my Mom to be friend.
Re: Gender Reveal Shower & Etiquette of The Mom To Be
i wonder if she acted that way because you found out and she got caught?