Today we saw the high risk OB at about 28.5 weeks and the girls were estimated to weigh 3 lbs 1 oz and 3 lbs 4 oz. The doctor said they are big (and charts I've looked up online put the average weight at 28 weeks at about 2.5 lbs) but that it's no problem - but she seemed kind of freaked out. My nutritionist and OB say I am right on track with weight gain and I do not have gestational diabetes according to my GTT. I asked her what the downsides of this are (I thought the bigger the better but was kind of freaked out by her seeming freaked out) and she just said something about me being uncomfortable. She did say their growth rate will probably slow down as they start to crowd each other. Anyone have a similar experience to share?
Me - 35. DH - 40. TTC #1 since 9/2010.
IUI #1-2 BFN
IUI #3 BFP = C/P
IUI #4-6 BFNs
IVF #1 Lupron and Gonal F: 29R 29M 28F
2 blastocysts transferred 12/14/13
Beta at 9dp5dt = 285; Beta at 12dp5dt = 925
It's twins! EDD 9/2/14
Re: Any experience with "big" twins?
They were born 7 lbs 13oz and 5 lbs 13oz! So they can for sure be off a bit.
About 30lbs weight gain by me. No GD.
But of course, as pps mentioned, the growth sounds are notoriously inaccurate - so you never really know.