
How to not freak about possibly losing one this early?

I just found out we have two little ones at 6w3d and we saw both hearts flicker. Now I have to wait three weeks for another ultrasound and I can not stop freaking out about the possibility of losing one. Any statistics that might help calm me down? Or any advice? We are so excited after many years of fertility treatments this is our first BFP just so worried it is just to good to be true. Thanks for the help, sorry for the crazy:)
TTC 31\2 years
20 medicated cycles of some kind, 8 failed IUIs (every med combo possible) 
5/14/14 IVF # 1, 6dp5dt BFP,  
Betas 8dp5dt- 67, 14dp -670, 17dp -1761, 20dp-4858, 27dp-28,800
6/11/14 6w3d Twins!!! - EDD Feb 1st

Pregnancy Ticker

Re: How to not freak about possibly losing one this early?

  • I have no advise, I still worry at 33 weeks :)
  • ManadaManada member
    ^WSS^ I also still worry at 20w2d. That said, I remember the acute worry early on, and remember frantically googling the odds of losing one week by week. The good news is that now that you've seen a HB for both the odds are significantly in your favour, I can't recall where I found the specific stats, but I found a few where the odds week-by-week were pretty clear and consistent with each other. Those were reassuring as the weeks went on.

    We were reassured each appointment when they were still going and still measuring within a day of each other... And just had to take it one week at a time. Good luck!
    queer couple - 32 (me) & 33 (my love) years old - donor sperm,

    Our IF/TTC journey since Nov 2012.

    Me: dx of DOR in Nov. 2012. Low AMH, AFC - 6, Normal FSH, SS-A (RO) Antibodies (Autoimmune issues), tubes clear, Sono (November 2013) NORMAL! <p>

    7 IUI's - December 2012-September 2013.  Medicated, Injected, Triggered.... all BFN.

    My Love:  (the amazing @Healz413)
    Normal AMH & FSH, AFC ~27, blocked tube dx'd via HSG in 2012.   Hydrosalpinx & ovarian cyst dx'd in May 2013.
    dx of Stage IV Endo & bilateral salpinectomy in June 2013.  


    Partner IVF#1a- December 2013 - H's eggs, my Ute - CANCELLED due to low response
    Partner IVF #1b - February 2014 - H's eggs, my Ute - ER February 4 (10 retrieved, 3 fertilized), Transfer Feb 7 of one Grade 1 and one Grade 2 day 3 embryos.  1 - Day 3, Grade 1 frosty saved.   BFP - 6dp3dt via FRER, Beta #1 - 110, Beta #2 175, Beta #3 - 348, Beta #4 - 2222!, Beta #5 - 4255.  Ultrasound (6w1d) - 2 heartbearts!  

    We lost our beautiful Twin baby girls on June 18, 2014.  Tavin Sara and Casey Elizabeth were born at 21 weeks gestation and were absolutely beautiful, precious, amazing babies.  We miss our daughters every day and love them with all our hearts.


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  • Now, this was a few years ago, but we were told that seeing the heartbeats is a good indication that they'll both be OK. Could have totally been a lie to keep me from more nervous breakdowns, but you never know. 
    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
     Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Ladies you have been amazing! Thank you for all the encouraging words! It is also nice to hear that I am not the only one that feels this way. Thank you and good luck to all of you!
    TTC 31\2 years
    20 medicated cycles of some kind, 8 failed IUIs (every med combo possible) 
    5/14/14 IVF # 1, 6dp5dt BFP,  
    Betas 8dp5dt- 67, 14dp -670, 17dp -1761, 20dp-4858, 27dp-28,800
    6/11/14 6w3d Twins!!! - EDD Feb 1st

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @nlavender13 I am with you! I go Friday to hopefully see the heartbeats. I have a feeling we are going to be worried thru the whole 9 months. IF brain does that. The PP is right tho, today we are pregnant and we need to enjoy it. Don't kill today's joy w/ tomorrow's worry.

    ****siggy warning****

    Me 29/ DH 28
    DH- MFI (low count, 2-3% morph)

    IUI #1 January - Clomid, Ovidrel: BFN
    IUI #2 February - Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel: BFP 1st beta-25, 2nd beta-56, 3rd beta-45, miscarriage
    IUI #3 April - CD3 U/S 4-10. Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel CD11 - Cancelled.. TI w/5 follicles-BFN
    IUI #3.1 May - CD3 U/S 5-6, Follistim start 5-11 thru 5-17, u/s 5-18 3 mature w/ a close 4th, IUI 5-20 - BFP!
                 Beta #1 12dpo - 164 & progesterone - 89!, Beta #2 16 dpo - 1189, 5w3d - u/s shows TWINS!
                 6/19- u/s showed heartbeats! Baby A 111 & Baby B 118, both measuring 6w1d
                 7/3- Baby A hb 170, Baby B hb 166 - both measuring perfect.
                 7/18 - Baby A 165, Baby B 171 - both measuring right on track & moving all around!


    Pregnancy Ticker

  • @MissEm15‌ , good luck on Friday! How many weeks will you be Friday? And you are right I will be worried for the next 9months:) there is just something about going through IF that starts every journey off bracing yourself for disappointment. After three years it is so hard to wrap my head around something good happening:)
    TTC 31\2 years
    20 medicated cycles of some kind, 8 failed IUIs (every med combo possible) 
    5/14/14 IVF # 1, 6dp5dt BFP,  
    Betas 8dp5dt- 67, 14dp -670, 17dp -1761, 20dp-4858, 27dp-28,800
    6/11/14 6w3d Twins!!! - EDD Feb 1st

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @nlavender13 Thanks! I will be 6w3d Friday. So I hopefully will at least get to see the heartbeats, if I can't hear them. FX! Your last sentence is exactly how I feel feel!

    ****siggy warning****

    Me 29/ DH 28
    DH- MFI (low count, 2-3% morph)

    IUI #1 January - Clomid, Ovidrel: BFN
    IUI #2 February - Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel: BFP 1st beta-25, 2nd beta-56, 3rd beta-45, miscarriage
    IUI #3 April - CD3 U/S 4-10. Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel CD11 - Cancelled.. TI w/5 follicles-BFN
    IUI #3.1 May - CD3 U/S 5-6, Follistim start 5-11 thru 5-17, u/s 5-18 3 mature w/ a close 4th, IUI 5-20 - BFP!
                 Beta #1 12dpo - 164 & progesterone - 89!, Beta #2 16 dpo - 1189, 5w3d - u/s shows TWINS!
                 6/19- u/s showed heartbeats! Baby A 111 & Baby B 118, both measuring 6w1d
                 7/3- Baby A hb 170, Baby B hb 166 - both measuring perfect.
                 7/18 - Baby A 165, Baby B 171 - both measuring right on track & moving all around!


    Pregnancy Ticker

  • You guys totally aren't alone in that feeling at all.  First trimester worries are much different than later on; however, multiples pregnancies sort of never loser their "scariness."

    First trimester was worrying about the heartbeats still being there and avoiding TTTS.
    Second trimester even more concern for TTTS.
    Then in the third trimester, anything could still go wrong, but you worry about stillbirth, etc.  

    With all of the concern, THAT is why we get monitored so much more.  Having frequent appointments is what calms those concerns.  Unfortunately, I've never felt like there was that "safe zone" with my twin pregnancy, and I'm at 31 weeks now; however, the frequency of my appointments has helped a bunch!  Hang in there :)

    BFP: 12/2/13, EDD: 8/17/13


    Follow MacKenzie and Madison's Journey at

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