June 2014 Moms

quick birth story. Brooklyngirl has a girl

So in the past 24 hours the following happened:

Labored at home as per plan. Went to l n d at 8 30.

Admitted for pre e. I had back labor and experienced the joy of laboring on my back bc i could not move as per dr instructions. Managed for 3 hours before pain became intolerable. No way to use pressure to deal with pain.

Epidural. Thank G-d.

Tried to sleep, went from 3cm to 8 cm with water breaking on its own.At 12pm I started pushing.

3 1/2 hours of pushing with no result. Had to get a c section. Emotions of the day caught up with.me.

Little girl born after being stuck under pubic bone. Cries and i cant see her or comfort her. This is where i lose it.

Am in recovery. DH was able to cuddle little girl. I can't wait to meet her!

Being with my LO rocks! DD born 6/13/14.

Re: quick birth story. Brooklyngirl has a girl

  • lest12lest12 member
    Omg! Congratulations on your little girl! I hope you are feeling better and can hold her soon!


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  • vv826vv826 member
    Congratulations! I pray you get to hold her soon!
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  • congratulations on your little one!
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

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  • Congrats!
  • jjvajjva member
    So many congrats! Are you going to give her a Gaslight Anthem name? (Maria?) :)

    I hope you can see her soon and your recovery is quick and as easy as it can be! <3
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats!
  • Congrats! Hope you get to hold your baby girl real soon :)

     Me (36) + DH(35) = Married 9yrs!
    BFP #1 May 2010! mc @11weeks blighted ovum, natural mc.
    BFP #2 Sept 2010! mc @9 weeks, natural mc. Diagnosed with Prothrombin Gene Mutation or Factor II (hetro)-baby asprin while ttc, Found out the hard way that I am deathly allergic to aspirin- OB put me on Heparin injections.
    BFP #3 July 2011 with DS (whom was diagnosed with bilateral trans-radial limb deficiency at 20 week A/S-with no answers why) born 4-12-12.
    BFP #4 March 2013! Early mc @6weeks.
    BFP #5 Sept 2013 EDD June 5th, DS#2 born 5-31-14
    BFP #6 April 2015 EDD December 21st Lilypie Pregnancy tickers   

  • Congrats!

    image  image
    Married: July 16,2011
    TTC since: July 2012
    Me: 29  CD3 blood work: All normal; Other blood work: Insulin levels high; HSG: All Clear
    DH: 34 SA: Count: Good (27 Mil); Poor motility (25%);Poor morphology (1%)
    DX: PCOS-IR and MFI
    BFP #1 10/9/13 / Beta #1 68 / Beta #2 162 / EDD: 6/19/14
    Jared Lee Born 6/28/14
  • Congrats!

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    Special prayers for angels that we never met!
  • Congratulations
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  • Congrats on your little girl. Glad everyone is okay. Hope you feel better soon and get to snuggle your LO.
  • Congrats! Hopefully you can hold her soon!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
    BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
    BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13

    Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13 

    BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14

    All Alers Welcome!


  • Congrats!  I hope things are okay by now.
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