I'm sorry to keep posting, but DH just doesn't take this seriously.
Older sisters are Anastasia (Anna) and Genevieve (Genna). I have reservations about all of them.
ETA: The middle name will be Ruth after my grandma.
Current Contenders for DD3 283 votes
Vivian (DH's favorite, but I worry it doesn't have a standalone nickname like the older 2 have. And this LO seems way more layed back so far...so alive seems less appropriate for her.)
46%131 votes
Minerva (GP name for me. It just sounds so harsh next to the older 2.)
4%14 votes
Josephine (DH's gma. We don't like Jo and I don't feel like Josie grows up well at all.)
I LOVE Josephine! She can always decide what she wants to go by as an adult. I strongly dislike Minerva, I'm afraid; I just think it's odd-sounding/unattractive, especially next to her sister's gorgeous names (like you said). The "nerve" part jumps out at me so it just makes me think nervy, nervous, etc. I really like Vivian as well and don't think you can go wrong with either Josephine or Vivian.
I agree. Minerva is one of those names that's half GP and half a name I would have another baby for just to get to use it. All your choices are great, but I would just super duper love to meet a little girl named Minerva.
DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
Out of curiosity, would you use a nn with Minerva? Minnie is so adorable, but I think it's no less juvenile than Josie (FTR, I think both work on adults, though).
Yes, my husband would love to call her Minnie. I think it's adorable, but not something that ages well. So I'd probably call her Mia or Mina so that she had that as an option as she grew.
Really dislike Minerva - would hate if that was my name. Josephine Ruth is too old lady sounding when paired together. I think Vivian, nn Vivi is perfect with your other dd names.
Josephine is my favorite. I like Vivian too, but Vivian and Genevieve is a little too much "viv" in one family for my taste. If you do go with Vivian, you could maybe use Ivy as a nickname (from ivi), though it's a bit of a stretch.
Vivian! Josephine is beautiful as well, but seems to be gaining a lot of attention lately. Minerva is WAY too pretentious, IMO. It sounds like you're trying really hard to be a hipster. Love your DDs' names! We considered both!
I think they are all wonderful names. You would definitely need to be more ballsy to use Minerva, and deal with a few raised eyebrows, but its a great name.
Both Vivian and Josephine are rather popular right now. Not sure if that matters to you.
If I had to pick one to go with the sibset, it would be Josephine. Genevieve and Vivian together is a bit matchy.
Re: Current Contenders for DD3
Josette (Etta?), Marigold (Mari), Delphine, Noemi, Melanie, Paloma, Esmeralda, Bianca
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~

<p align="center"Thanks so much for the feedback ladies. The poll is becoming a tie. I guess I'll keep reading other people's posts hoping for a new spark.
I like Vivian/Vivienne/Vivi/Viv or
Josephine but what about Joey/Joss for a nn instead?
MMC 2.12.11 @ 8w
PVM 5.8.12
GWM 3.17.15
RPM 2.21.19
Minerva O_o ??
I voted for Josephine. I really dislike it but I think the nn Josie is cute.
I think they are all wonderful names. You would definitely need to be more ballsy to use Minerva, and deal with a few raised eyebrows, but its a great name.
Both Vivian and Josephine are rather popular right now. Not sure if that matters to you.
If I had to pick one to go with the sibset, it would be Josephine. Genevieve and Vivian together is a bit matchy.
MMC 3.30.16
Vivian with nn Vivi would be my runner up.