June 2013 Moms

How much money....

LaBellaVidaLaBellaVida member
edited June 2014 in June 2013 Moms
Did you, or plan on spending on your LO birthday party?

How much money.... 148 votes

0 to 50
8% 13 votes
50 to 100
8% 13 votes
100 to 150
12% 19 votes
150 to 200
18% 27 votes
200 to 250
8% 13 votes
250 to 300
6% 10 votes
more then 300
30% 45 votes
0% 1 vote
dirty lurker
5% 8 votes

Re: How much money....

  • cafecremecafecreme member
    edited June 2014
    I wrote out on one of them, but it looks like it was deleted. I said 150-200. I gave a run-down of expenses, and it was somewhere around 150-160$. 

    we had about 20 people at her party. 

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  • momofcatanmomofcatan member
    edited June 2014
    I would like to keep it under $100, but I'm guessing it will be $100-$150. All I'm buying is food, plates, cups etc.

    ETA to add I'm baking and decorating (with a friends help) cupcakes. So I guess I'm saving a lot of money there.

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  • My dinner food alone is $280. The cake, cut outs for favors and smash cake is $200. Then I'll spend at least $200 on appetizer food, beverages (beer, pop, wine) and decorations. If I decide to rent a bounce house that is an additional $150. We are only having 25 people including our family of 4. I wish I could spend only $150 total.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Owens will be over 300. His cake alone is over 300. That's the only "decoration" I'm having though. I might get a few balloons.
    The rest of the money is on food. We won't be having any adult beverages, so I'm getting soda from costco, and making a punch for the kids.
    I've gotta few family members who have offered to bring a side dish, which will cut down on cost since we are having a large party.

  • I think around $100, maybe a little north of that.  That was food, decorations, drinks.  
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    Bennett Andrew- 6/4/13      Nora Elizabeth - 10/3/14
  • I said $150 to $200.

    If we hadn't bought really nice beer, it might have been half that ;-)
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  • BC&LMBC&LM member
    Oh, goodness gracious.  Waaaayyyy too much--around $500 or more I think.  I had no idea it would be that much! The park pavilion rental alone was $120 and the cake/specialty cupcakes were about the same.  Then we had to buy food, paper for invitations, paper products and tablecloths, a lawn game, goody bags, etc.  It all added up much more quickly than I thought, and we didn't even do a "Pinterest party"; we just got party store decorations.  I won't do anything this big again until maybe HS graduation.
  • It's definitely over $300. His gift alone was $200. But I've been buying things for his party since January. So it's not this big chunk of change at once.
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  • Probably around $350. I spent a lot on decorations and LO's cake smash outfit. And we fed 55 people so there is that. I didn't include his present.
  • Over 300.  Typically, given our personalities, it would have been cheaper, but since we are in a temporary living situation this summer we had to have it at a playground, and pay rental for that, and had to have food catered instead of cooking, and have to do more work decorating.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm guessing 200-250 max.  We're having a family bbq but even with burgers and hot dogs, I think it's going to be spendy.  We had to rent chairs because we do not have enough seating.
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  • You guys are making me feel better about the grocery bill I just racked up, to be fair, we are making enough food to feed an army in hopes we can have leftovers on Sunday :)

    Food is at $250 (including cupcakes and free smash cake)

    Bouncy house is $150

    Favors/paper products/etc is at about $50

    So total is probably just at $500, we spent about half that on Bradley's 3rd birthday, which is more in line with what we usually spend. We are building a base of party gear so parties at our house in the future will be a lot less expensive. If someone would convince my husband that we should just buy a damn bounce house, parties would cost next to nothing!!

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  • @Nix55 I'll Def post a picture of the cake.
    His party is next Sunday the 22nd.

    Between the cake and the bounce house I just reserved is over $500. Yikes.

    I've still gotta buy food and drinks. I'm not doing "decorations" but maybe I'll use the food and get creative with it for decorations. Depends on how I feel that day.


  • I think it's somewhere between $300-500. I over estimated on food because I had no idea what I was doing and spent $200 on that alone (15 people + 3 children under 3). I wish I had spent <$200.

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  • I guessed around 100-150 because so far I've only bought the decorations and tableware that was about $45.

    We're having it at home and Im going to make all the food and cake.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My MIL is super crafty and made a lot of the decorations, my aunt made the cake, andI  made the food, but I'd say we still spent over $300 with the cost of all the supplies, the outfit for DD, and the food and alcohol. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I go big on the first birthday and then very year after that is a small family lunch. Everything, including gifts and food is totaling about $300

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • :( -well over $500 between the decorations, cake (holy crap these are expensive-ordered vs made since we're traveling) and food. BUT I knew we'd do the first one big with lots of family and friends (over 60 people coming) and the next ones won't be so big.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Honestly, I haven't kept track of how much has been spent for the party. Definitely over $300. Probably over $500 by time we pay for the food.

    But I really haven't done anything crazy extravagant, other than refusing to attempt any DIY. I am horribly uncreative and like to outsource that stuff. Stuff just adds up!
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