June 2014 Moms


Here's mine - I already don't want anyone near my baby (not born yet). People talk about visiting and being around and all these things and I just want them to leave me alone and let DH and I have our baby to ourself.


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  • I tried castor oil the other day. It gave me false labor, but opened me up quite a bit. Lesson learned.
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  • FFFC; I absolutely can't stand my friend's new boyfriend. I have yet to meet him, but I can't stand him. I'm also convinced he smells atrocious.

    WTF is this pregnancy doing to me?!

    You crack me up lady. ;)



  • I'm kind of scared of getting an induction. Idk why, I know it happens all the time, I guess it's because it was not brought up my whole pregnancy except on Monday when they told me they wont let me go past next saturday. My due date is tomorrow. If she's not here by Monday they're putting me on the books. At least the good part is I will have my baby within the next week or so, I just kind of wish she'd come out on her own. All these FTM jitters!

    Baby #1: expected June 2014

    Pregnancy Ticker 

  • @lynnblack‌ they won't let me go over 41 weeks because I've had weekly NSTs, and because of my pre-pregnancy weight I'm a higher risk for late term difficulties. Luckily I landed an OBs office who will not induce unless medically necessary, so that makes me feel more comfortable but it wasn't even a thought for me until they brought it up. Luckily my husband is very supportive no matter what and I know he'll do his best to keep me calm in any situation.

    Baby #1: expected June 2014

    Pregnancy Ticker 

  • mullenem said:

    DH stayed out late drinking with BIL then came home and loudly puked periodically until 2AM.  I was secretly hoping I'd just go into labor last night because 1) he'd be drunk, miss the birth or at least some of labor, and feel bad about it and 2) I wasn't getting any sleep anyway so I might as well have this baby.  Unfortunately (fortunately?), it didn't happen but I still feel like crap today because I couldn't sleep and his puking noises made me feel like I needed to throw up all night.  UGH!

    For the record, this isn't a regular occurrence - I can't remember the last time he drank so much that he threw up and his sister drove him home (she's also pregnant) so no drinking and driving or anything like that.  Not much annoyed with the random drinking night, just the keeping me up part.

    I'd be pissed! This close to having a baby he's lucky you didn't go into labor! I haven't let DH have more than 2 beers for the last week

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  • @mullenem I think my SO is in denial / lack of understanding as well, since I've been telling him "Any minute now!" for about 3 weeks. 

    I posted yesterday that I really don't want to be induced (I don't) but I definitely called the office this morning to see if I could get booked in for Monday...I started thinking that if we were going to schedule his birth, I wanted it to be convenient and work with DD's schedule and I feel like shit so I figured I would give it a try. Joke is on me and I'm being kept to my word - since my doc is out of town until Wednesday and not 'working' until Thursday, they wouldn't let me schedule anything with just the on-call doc. Looks like I'll be pregnant forever ;)
  • lest12lest12 member
    My DH is in the same boat. He made plans to go somewhere next week that's over an hour and a half away, without traffic. Uhm, no. I'll be 39 weeks pregnant. Not only do I need you around to help me with some last minute stuff, but also - I could go into labor and I'd prefer if you were in the same state if that happened. I don't know what isn't connecting. I try not to let it bother me, but really?


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  • emilyh107 said:

    I get angry when people/books judge on what's the right thing to do for a baby because it makes so many moms so insecure or feeling like they've failed. I've read a few things on here where mommas are getting upset because they have to formula feed or they've never planned on co-sleeping but it just happened. Every baby is different.. I don't feel like you need to explain to me why you are doing the things you are doing. If it works for you and your family and everyone is healthy and happy, that is awesome. You are all doing a wonderful job.

    EXACTLY. I feel terrible because I'm having such a hard time BFing the twins, and I really just ambso ready to formula feed because I can get to both of them quicker and make sure they are happy. And I have been "co-sleeping" (sitting in my rocking chair with both of them laid on a body pillow in my lap) for 2 days and damn straight it has been the most restful nights of sleep since I delivered! But of course DHs grandma says "you're gonna spoil em by doing that." Look here. Theres no such thing as spoiling a newborn. Everything done for them is what they need at that time.

    Doesn't stop me from questionjng myself though.
  • I spent the first two weeks of C's life living on the couch with a fort of pillows to hold the two of us in place while we slept. She was the first baby in a group of ten or so from her bmb to sttn in her own crib. A couple weeks or months doing what you need to do to get sleep for all if you will not irreparably damage your babies. That said, what I did is not considered safe cosleeping and I am doing things slightly different this time around, but Charlie seems to be doing well, so its working this time around.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • My FFFC: Even though I very much want Ikey to continue in my ute to his due date (maybe even a little after), I'd still be kinda thrilled if he came today. Friday the 13ths have always been a "lucky day" for me, ever since my parents took me out of Catholic school and started homeschooling me on that day. I'm not *really* expecting him to come out today, though...

    A belated Throat Punch Thursday: So, the friend of my husband and me (grammar?), she has 2 long haired cats that she keeps in her room (as my cat Zoe and her cats *do not* under any circumstances get along, I now have a tiny scar on my face to prove it...) have fleas. OK, still don't know how her cats have fleas and Zoe doesn't, but whatever, she's been trying to get rid of them just by bathing her cats. Well, now she's (our friend) getting bitten up by the fleas, and wants to flea bomb our place, she'd pay for it. So I look up what needs to be done. All this shit would need moved/packed up, no living thing in the area for at least 8 hours, and the kicker, afterwards every surface would need cleaned. Yeah, that's nigh impossible as 1. This house is tiny as shit, 2. not only is all of our (mine, my husband's, and now our baby's) stuff taking up a bunch of space, *her* stuff is taking up a bunch of space (She has had stuff in the hallway for at least almost 2 weeks, and I have to awkwardly angle myself into it to go to and from the upstairs bathroom, usually bumping my stomach at least a third of the time), and 3. she truly doesn't clean *anything*, so I'd be the one who'd end up doing the cleaning. Kinda difficult when you can't bloody *bend*! I just want to cry, because I'm also getting so sick of cleaning up after her. She's 22, for God's sake, you can't vacuum a fucking room? Or make sure you get all of your laundry into the washer/dryer? She'll be out in August (Waaayyyy better than the original October), but I just feel like throwing her out now, for frigging peace of mind and less work! ARG!!!

    Sorry for excessive bitching and the novel.....
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    June '14 June Siggy Challenge - Summer Heat
  • I've about had it with breastfeeding and pumping. Parker is getting better and better with nursing, but can't complete a meal. So he will be nursing on one boob, while I pump the other. When he gets tired of the boob he sleeps for about 5 minutes, wakes up, and then I give him what I pumped. I'm tired of my boobs dictating everything. Every two hours I'm stuck pumping. If he was exclusively bfeeding then that would be great because I could be more mobile. I hate pumping!!! Oh and I'm barely keeping up with his appetite and have started raiding my freezer stash :(
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
    October Siggy challenge, costume fail
  • I tucked a napkin into my ktan while out to lunch with baby. It worked great.
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  • I'm totally jealous and secretly bitter that my husband gets to stay home with baby and I have to go back to work. Nobody can do as good of a job as moms.. Right?
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  • It's just something for you ladies to look forward to ;)
    (Besides your squishy babies)
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  • DD has been having so much trouble going to bed lately. While DH snores I stay up late trying to get her to sleep. Tonight I stayed downstairs and told him it was his turn I was sleeping on the couch. Don't ya know she passed right the frick out! My FFC is that I'm pissed! Lol
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  • @rachelnjacob‌ / @elsa1688‌

    I agree with @Taymiller‌ - do not taunt us with your stories of complete bladder emptying! I have wanted a Foley catheter so badly every night for the last four months...

    Peeing outside is the way to go! I get so much more out in the squatting position!

    That sounds disastrous for me, I would totally fall in my own pee. Squatting isn't an option for my aching back.
  • MrsBHMMrsBHM member
    The past two nights, during my MOTN feedings I've just been standing up beside our bed. I'm afraid to sit down bc I can't keep my eyes open.

  • elsa1688 said:
    Also, I REALLY enjoyed post partum peeing. It felt so good to pee mass quantities out vs. during pregnancy, I felt like I had to pee or I would explode only to have a little dribble out.
    I enjoyed my 24 hours of post surgery catheter SO MUCH.
    I would have been ok with them leaving that in longer... sigh.

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