Tonight was the premier of the PBS Our Town special filmed in my town. Both of my boys made appearances! This is my oldest (on the right) playing with gak at Sensory Play!
The way to get a copy is to donate $75 to PBS. That's a little too steep for a dvd for me. I'm hoping my mom dvr'ed because we don't have dvr. If she didn't, they are replaying it on Labor Day, so I'll have to remind her to do it then!
That's awesome! Were your boys excited to see themselves on tv or were they really old enough to understand?
They didn't see it, they were in bed by then. It started at 8:00 last night and wasn't over until 10:30 because there were so many donation drive breaks in between. They were making a ruckus so I could barely hear/see it until I put them to bed! haha It was so quick that probably by the time I would've pointed it out to them and they looked, it would have been over.
If it were my daughter, I would be tickled pink too. I sure hope that you get a copy to keep forever. That's super cool. How did it come about?
The local public broadcasting station goes around to different towns in the state doing specials about them. They announced a couple months ago that they were coming to our town and were looking for people to share stories. The arts group that holds kids classes we go to volunteered and shared pictures from their classes. We didn't know ahead of time that the boys would be on. I also picked out one of my uncles, one of my aunts, and two of my cousins throughout the program.
Re: AW: My kids were on tv tonight!