March 2012 Moms

I wish pregnancy and periods...

...didn't have the same symptoms.

I'm feeling "off." Stomach not right, sensitive nipples (even my bra hurts), head feels weird, tired/low energy.....all of those can mean my period is about to show up. Or they can mean I'm pregnant.

I took a test last night. It was negative. But even though I average out at 30-33 day cycles, they can be up to 38 days. So if it is a long one, the test would be negative anyway as it would be too soon.

It took us the better part of a year to get pg with DD. I don't want to go through that again. I'm far too impatient. LOL

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016


Re: I wish pregnancy and periods...

  • The waiting is the sucky part!! Hope it works quicker this time around. ;)

    Also, early testing only worked for me with FMU, so you may want to re-test on Fri/Sat in the AM if you don't start your cycle. 

    Yea, I should have waited until morning time. But I just wanted to know! lol.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
    TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016

  • FX for a BFP!
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  • Hang in there, I know it sucks. I know with my current pregnancy the two week wait was a killer. Normally I just used Clomid but we tried so long they wouldn't prescribe it to me anymore so I did shots and IUI. It sucks trying for so long and getting a negative every month so I hope this is your BFP. I'm so not patient either. To get dd it took just shy of four years and two losses. I have my fingers crossed for you!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Nicb13 said:

    Good luck OP! FX for you :)

    Are you charting or anything? It took us 1.5 years to get pregnant with DS and so I started charting with Fertility Friend for this pregnancy and got my BFP after 4 months. Just a thought.

    I use hospital-grade ovulation tests I get off Amazon that are far cheaper than anything you can buy in store. The problem just is that I'm not super regular with my cycle. I could ovulate on day 14 or 18 or 21 or etc. I start testing every 2 days starting on day 12 (period is often 8-10 days long). I have a printed off chart that I keep in the bathroom closet that I track my period and ovulation. I have just started using an app on my phone too. Glow I think it was called.

    If I am, I am. And if I'm not, well, the trying to get pg is pretty much anyway. lol. I just hate that early pg symptoms and onset of period symptoms are the exact same for me. Super annoying.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
    TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016

  • Nicb13 said:

    Well you won't actually KNOW if you ovulate without temping and keeping track of your temps with a BBT. The OPK's tell you when you will gear up to O, but you could gear up for days and never actually O. I'm sorry if you already know this but for my first pregnancy, all I did was use OPK's and thought I was doing the right thing but this time around I started temping every morning and it made a huge difference. I got to see just how random my cycles were.

    But yes, I agree that the symptoms are far too similar and it's confusing and misleading!!!

    True. I never did temping with DD but have a BBT in my Amazon cart right now. By tracking ovulation, I mean I have been tracking when the OPKs tell me I'm about to. I know I need to use them with temping to be more accurate. I'm just lazy. And cheap. lol. I do Swagbucks and a few other things to earn free Amazon gcs so kinda waiting until next week when I have another free $5 before I place the order that has the BBT in it.

    No AF yet, not even a bit of spotting (I spot a day before I really start). TMI but we had sex last night and no spotting which is weird for this close to AF. That usually will "kick start" AF into starting. :\">

    But also a BFN as of the test this morning. So just a waiting game at this point. We won't be home over the weekend so that will either get my mind off of it or will drive me even more crazy, especially if AF shows up. I've just started hanging out on the TTGP board so that is helpful.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
    TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016

  • I'm obsessively checking this thread hoping for a BFP. FWIW, I didn't get one until 5 days after I expected my period to come. I ovulate late in my cycle. (Not trying to give false hope, just hoping for you!)
  • LilNunz1 said:
    I'm obsessively checking this thread hoping for a BFP. FWIW, I didn't get one until 5 days after I expected my period to come. I ovulate late in my cycle. (Not trying to give false hope, just hoping for you!)

    I have funky cycles so that may be my situation as well.

    I really hate started AF in the middle of the day at place with only porta-potties. Just not a fun time. I also wanted to know if I could have a drink with dinner tomorrow night. If I don't start until we get back, I'm gonna be mad. lol

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
    TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016

  • It is super annoying. Fx for you!
  • Started AF Saturday morning/Friday night. So I'm not pg. But at least I started before our weekend got going so I was more prepared.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
    TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016

  • Sorry @countrygrl5533‌. Hopefully soon!
  • Thanks, girls. I'm kind of in a "eh, life happens. try again" spot. I just ordered a basal thermometer and more OPKs and ConceivePlus (it's like preseed but cheaper. We used it when we were trying for DD). So basically, I'm not waiting around like last time to "bring out the big guns." I'm going to start charting with FF.

    Of course, not sharing much of this with DH. He'd rather not know when I'm ovulating, etc. He feels the pressure from it whereas I just like to track and know. It doesn't feel like pressure to me. Then again, I would label the entire house if DH let me own a label maker and he can barely find anything or put anything away. So just differences in personality. lol

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
    TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016

  • Bummer, but I hope you enjoyed your weekend!
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