June 2013 Moms

Need some good vibes... **UPDATE**

megaroo64megaroo64 member
edited June 2014 in June 2013 Moms
On Monday, I had to get a biopsy of my cervix.  There is a troublesome lesion that we were all hoping would clear up on its own, but it hasn't and there is a real concern that this is cervical cancer.  Currently, even if it IS cancer, they can't even do anything about it because I am 23 weeks pregnant- but if that is what the results are, I will have to be induced early so that it can be treated. 

So... hopefully, I get results tomorrow and will know what I am dealing with.. but right now... I am spiraling. I know basically what the worst case scenario looks like (cancer, baby born early, possibly hysterectomy) but in my mind I am coming up with scenarios that are so so much worse.  And then I get really annoyed with myself because I don't even know the results yet!  It is a constant worry-shame cycle.  

Anyway, I could use some good vibes... and possibly some funny gifs to help me stay distracted.  Thanks in advance ladies!

Update: better late than never right?? I finally got results back this morning- they took the whole 7 days! But great news- no cancer!!! I have some abnormal cells that will need to be treated after the baby is born, but nothing to worry about now. I am so thankful it turned out this way- I was freaking out about the possibility of delivering early- and you know- the cancer part. 

Again, thank you ladies so much for the good vibes! You ladies rule!

image image
Bennett Andrew- 6/4/13      Nora Elizabeth - 10/3/14

Re: Need some good vibes... **UPDATE**

  • Hang in there momma! I've been through what your going through and I know how your feeling. Everything worked out. I'll keep you in my T's&P's. Keep us updated once you get your results.

    DD1 5/16/2006 8lbs 3oz 21" (2 days late, 36.5 hour labor)
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  • Definitely keeping you in my thoughts!! Please keep us posted!
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  • Sending lots of good vibes your way!  I hope time passes super quick so it doesn't feel like you're waiting forever to hear results!

    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS born 6/2013
  • Thinking of you!
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  • I'm keeping you in my thoughts!  I don't think anyone would be reacting differently so don't be hard on yourself.  Just keep telling yourself that you don't know anything yet! :)
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • Hope you get good results tomorrow!

  • Praying that everything comes out OK. Please keep us updated.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Good luck and many prayers!

    "Turtle" 6/27/13


  • Good vibes headed your way! I'll be thinking of you and hoping for an update with good news!
    image imageimageimage
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  • Prayers everything comes back clean!
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  • Sending good thoughts and vibes your way. I was scared out of my mind waiting even after telling myself repeatedly it was going to be fine. I've been thinking about you since you said you would need a biopsy soon too. Don't be ashamed to have normal feelings! Big hugs!


  • itsStackieitsStackie member
    edited June 2014

    1st born June 2013
  • BC&LMBC&LM member
    Prayers sent!
  • Thinking of you! And sending many positive thoughts your way.
  • Sending prayers and thoughts.
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  • kh59kh59 member
    Thinking of you!
  • Thank you ladies so much.  I will certainly keep you posted!  On Monday, they said it would be between 3-7 days... 3 days would be tomorrow, and I don't even want to think about the possibility of having to wait 7 days.  By that point, I will have played this out in my head like the Red Wedding.  

    Anyway, I really really appreciate all of the support.  The only person that really knows about all this IRL is my H - and he is playing it really close to the belt and doesn't really want to talk about it at all.  I should tell my mom... but I am not ready to deal with that mess.  I know how she rolls... there will be about a million questions and I will probably know the answer to one of them.  She will literally ask things like "Well, what do you think the doctor thinks about all of this?"  Um... how the hell would I know what another person thinks!?!??!?  Oh - and she has this fun habit of telling my siblings information that is way blown out of proportion.  Don't want to deal with that mess either.  

    That got long.  Anyway, I just really really appreciate the support and all of the good vibes and prayers.  You ladies are seriously the best.  
    image image
    Bennett Andrew- 6/4/13      Nora Elizabeth - 10/3/14
  • Sending all the good thoughts your way and hoping for some speedy results from you that can stop your mind from racing.
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  • Good luck! I hope it's benign.


  • My thoughts are with you! I'm so sorry you have to go through this, especially while pregnant. This gif always makes me laugh. image
  • Good luck!!! Sending positive vibes! I had the same issue (not while pregnant though) and even though it was cancerous cells they were able to completely remove the legion and it was like, now you have cancer, wait three seconds, now you don't!

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thinking of you!! I hope it is nothing and your life will be peaceful again in a few days! 
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Fantastic!
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    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Great news!
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  • Awesome, yay!!!


  • I'm so glad to hear of your positive news. What a relief!
  • That's so great!!! What a relief!
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