On Monday, I had to get a biopsy of my cervix. There is a troublesome lesion that we were all hoping would clear up on its own, but it hasn't and there is a real concern that this is cervical cancer. Currently, even if it IS cancer, they can't even do anything about it because I am 23 weeks pregnant- but if that is what the results are, I will have to be induced early so that it can be treated.
So... hopefully, I get results tomorrow and will know what I am dealing with.. but right now... I am spiraling. I know basically what the worst case scenario looks like (cancer, baby born early, possibly hysterectomy) but in my mind I am coming up with scenarios that are so so much worse. And then I get really annoyed with myself because I don't even know the results yet! It is a constant worry-shame cycle.
Anyway, I could use some good vibes... and possibly some funny gifs to help me stay distracted. Thanks in advance ladies!
Update: better late than never right?? I finally got results back this morning- they took the whole 7 days! But great news- no cancer!!! I have some abnormal cells that will need to be treated after the baby is born, but nothing to worry about now. I am so thankful it turned out this way- I was freaking out about the possibility of delivering early- and you know- the cancer part.
Again, thank you ladies so much for the good vibes! You ladies rule!
Bennett Andrew- 6/4/13 Nora Elizabeth - 10/3/14
Re: Need some good vibes... **UPDATE**
Sounds like you have your head on straight, but it's still ok to be scared. We are here if you need to feel your feelings in writing
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
I can rub it, make it feel better...
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
DS born 6/2013
my read shelf:
"Turtle" 6/27/13