Baby Names

Which first name goes best with the middle name Newitt and last name Norris?

lmw1201lmw1201 member
edited June 2014 in Baby Names
Please help us!! We are 2 weeks away from my due date and really struggling deciding on a first name for our little boy. The middle name is set in stone (it is a family name; pronounced like "knew it"). Any other suggestions would be great as well!! Thanks!

Which first name goes best with the middle name Newitt and last name Norris? 121 votes

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Re: Which first name goes best with the middle name Newitt and last name Norris?

  • IMO, Chasen does not work with your MN or LM at go. I voted Wade, it sounds the best of the 3. Brooks sound ok.

  • Thanks for the suggestions!

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  • Benjamin was the first thing that popped in my head . .. Brooks, Chase (no N) and Wade would sound great if the middle name wasn't Newitt ... maybe that's what needs to be rechecked . Good luck !
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  • I voted for Wade.

    Unless he goes by his full name all the time, the middle name flow is a secondary consideration. He wouldn't be Brooks Newitt Norris, he would be Brooks Norris, and that's a lot of -s endings, especially with the rs thrown in. 

    The flow of Chasen is fine, I guess, but I wouldn't name a child chasten. It implies that his birth is a punishment.
  • capuletcapulet member
    edited June 2014
    Benjamin was the first thing that popped in my head . ..
    Mine too!  Weird.  In terms of rhythm and flow I think a three-syllable FN works much better than any of your options - though perhaps best one not ending in N.  Say, Zachary, Malachi, etc. (those may be totally not your style, just throwing names out there off the top of my head).  Of your options, I think Wade is the only one that works in terms of not duplicating consonants.  Brooks is fine also but not great with Norris due to the double S, and Chasen is just not good period.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • While nms personally, Wade is the only on that works with the MN/LN combo.
    Married 9-4-04

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  • Chasen was kind of a tongue twister for me. But I like Brookes or Wade. I'm not a fan of the name Wade in general, but I like it better than Chasen. I agree with pp that Chase (no N) is much better.
  • I voted for Wade.
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  • Thank y'all so much for the comments and suggestions!!
  • None of these names are really my taste, but Wade has grown on me from "Hart of Dixie".  I think I could grow to really like that one.

    I REALLY dislike Chasen.  Brooks is my friend's dog's name, so I tend to think of him.  Or that weird guy from The Bachelorette.

    Haha, I loved Brooks on The Bachelorette! He vaguely reminded me of an ex-boyfriend. Having said that, yes, my mind also went there first.

    For OP, I like Chase best if that's an option. Wade and Brooks are OK.
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  • I chose Wade, but here are other ideas:

    Cole Newitt
    Henry Newitt
    Justin Newitt
    Mel Newitt
    Miles Newitt
    Richard Newitt
    Russell Newitt
    Scott Newitt
  • Jason was the first name that came to mind
    If you knew better, you'd do better.
  • macchiattomacchiatto member
    edited June 2014
    I really dislike all 3; I'm sorry. I guess Wade is the one I mind the least, but to me it's a verb rather than a person's name. 

    Please please don't use Chasen, for the reason pp mentioned. 
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Thanks everyone for the input!
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