Cloth Diapering

Started solids...

brandlebuggbrandlebugg member
edited June 2014 in Cloth Diapering
Ok, so LO just started solids which is very exciting! He loves sweet potatoes and bananas :) unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to the simplicity of tossing our EBF poo diapers in the pail. We don't have a sprayer, but I have this thing called a scrubadoozy. It's like a washboard that sticks to the toilet. I also keep a spatula nearby. My question is, do I need to make sure I get every bit of the poo off or is it ok if there are remnants left on the diaper? I feel so gross after I try to get all the poo off... It's hard not to make a mess.

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BFP#1- 08/18/2012. MMC; D/C- 09/26/2012
BFP #2- 04/30/2013. Due 01/06/2014. 
It's a BOY!-U/S 07/20/2013 
A/S shows healthy baby with heartbeat of 138BPM- 08/20/2013 
01/01/14- DS Born 5:54 am weight: 7lb, 14oz

Re: Started solids...

  • Ime I didn't have to start poo removal right away once I started solids, but my daughter was slow to warm up to most solids. I also never obsessed about getting off every little bit, but maybe I'm gross.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have a sprayer (which I love and totally recommend) and I spray 99.9% off, but I don't meticulously aim at every little spot.
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  • It took LO about a month to get enough food through his system to warrant dealing with it any different than EBF poo.  I scrape diapers, and I definitely don't worry about getting all of it off - just most of it.  Haven't had any issues so far!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS born 6/2013
  • lbs2012 said:
    It took LO about a month to get enough food through his system to warrant dealing with it any different than EBF poo.  I scrape diapers, and I definitely don't worry about getting all of it off - just most of it.  Haven't had any issues so far!

    How can you tell when to deal with it differently? Smell, consistency, etc?
    peanut butter-like.  and you think "yuck, that is not going into my washer" bits of food…etc
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  • After I remove the poo,I rinse the diaper to get rid of everything, then I just put it on the bag.
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  • lbs2012 said:

    It took LO about a month to get enough food through his system to warrant dealing with it any different than EBF poo.  I scrape diapers, and I definitely don't worry about getting all of it off - just most of it.  Haven't had any issues so far!

    How can you tell when to deal with it differently? Smell, consistency, etc?
    When you open the diaper and you're like "WTF IS THAAAT? "

    You'll know.

    Or, when you open the diaper and are like, yep, carrots and mango pieces! That's what's she ate yesterday...

    I had to spray right away. My kid decided she loved solids right when she started.

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  • Thanks for your responses and sense of humor! My LO has taken to solids and I'm sure I don't want what he's got comin out in the washer! But I think I feel better knowing I don't have to be so meticulous about it, and just make sure I get the big chunks (gross)! I was thinking I had to almost do a prewash in my toilet, lol

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    BFP#1- 08/18/2012. MMC; D/C- 09/26/2012
    BFP #2- 04/30/2013. Due 01/06/2014. 
    It's a BOY!-U/S 07/20/2013 
    A/S shows healthy baby with heartbeat of 138BPM- 08/20/2013 
    01/01/14- DS Born 5:54 am weight: 7lb, 14oz
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