My friend wants me to bring my 3 and a half month old to visit at her house. The problem is that she lives with her mother and they both smoke, and their house reeks of it even when no one is smoking. I know they wouldn't smoke around the baby, but I don't think I want him inhaling all that smell. Am I being paranoid or is my concern legitimate?
Re: Smoke smell and baby
As a result, they've never met either of the kids, but DH and I stand firmly on our decision.
FIL stopped smoking when he saw how serious I was about keeping the kids away from secondhand smoke.
She doesn't get offended because I don't ask her or tell her not to smoke in her own home. We just don't go there. She comes to us. Simple.
I'm glad to see you guys have this opinion. I know someone that takes her young toddler to a smoke filled bar for hours on end almost every day since he was born. Some times I think I'm being too anal.