I knew there was a slim possibility that I could be KU this month, but I POAS last night and it was negative. Which is fine because we're still not officially trying for a few more months. But I was the tiniest bit disappointed it wasn't positive even though I didn't actually want it to be. Makes total sense, right?
I knew there was a slim possibility that I could be KU this month, but I POAS last night and it was negative. Which is fine because we're still not officially trying for a few more months. But I was the tiniest bit disappointed it wasn't positive even though I didn't actually want it to be. Makes total sense, right?
Yes. Makes sense
We are both excited about another baby. Mh says adorable things like "M, your brother or sister will love this". It's freakin adorable
But I do prefer to wait to get pregnant until after M is two...the whole bfing journey and all that
I doubt we'll TTC before the end of the year, but definitely within the next 12 months. It makes me excited but nervous all at the same time. I want P to have at least one sibling, and want them relatively close together, and can't wait to have a tiny baby again, but I can't help but feel P is enough right now. I also want her to have enough time being our only and having our attention, though I don't want her to be an Only forever- I feel conflicted
I wish I could time my pregnancies with my sisters or friends. I was pregnant with 2 other co-workers, and that was fun, but I'd love to share the experience with other women I'm super close to. Husbands don't suffice. None of my friends and neither of my sisters have any children yet, so we'll see.
I started my period on Saturday. Bummer. I really thought this might be the month, lol. I'm currently freaking out about my student loans though and babies are so expensive.
We were at the park today, and there were I think a zillion adorable pregnant mommies in adorable summer dresses and I got all jealous that I'll likely be pregnant all winter again, and not get to wear adorable summer dresses, and instead be holed up inside with a toddler, being the size of a house, during the frigid Michigan winter. The end of October would have been a really good due date . But, I don't want to wait that long to get pregnant again, because we really do want our babies closer together in age.
We are NTNP right now and will start charting next month. We are putting an offer on a house, but it's a real low ball offer and probably won't be accepted. Still, I'd like to move before I'm racked with morning sickness or large and immobile.
Same old same old here. No AF still. My friend is currently pregnant and I would love to share that with her. She had a miscarriage during my pregnancy with L and it's a miracle that they were able to get pregnant again so we are all hoping for the best for her.
I started my period on Saturday. Bummer. I really thought this might be the month, lol. I'm currently freaking out about my student loans though and babies are so expensive.
It seems like I'm always pregnant opposite of everyone. Except BSIL this last time. And that was no fun
Ds was born 2 weeks before my niece. Then dd was born 2 days before another niece and 3 months before another niece. I was like seriously can't my baby be the only baby for a while! I think we are safe if I get pg soon.
We have been on a bfing marathon this month with only 3 days in the past 26 where we didn't. If things are working I we might have a chance. Since I have only had my first pp af I am bot sure if it will come with the 30 day time frame. If it does I am looking at the weekend for af. If it doesn't come I will be waiting at least another week before I test if not longer.
OurBlessing From God Through Adoption
Our Blessing After TTC for 6 Years (natural birth!)
Re: ~~~Preggie Pact~~~
We are both excited about another baby. Mh says adorable things like "M, your brother or sister will love this". It's freakin adorable
But I do prefer to wait to get pregnant until after M is two...the whole bfing journey and all that
We are NTNP right now and will start charting next month. We are putting an offer on a house, but it's a real low ball offer and probably won't be accepted. Still, I'd like to move before I'm racked with morning sickness or large and immobile.
We have been on a bfing marathon this month with only 3 days in the past 26 where we didn't. If things are working I we might have a chance. Since I have only had my first pp af I am bot sure if it will come with the 30 day time frame. If it does I am looking at the weekend for af. If it doesn't come I will be waiting at least another week before I test if not longer.