November 2013 Moms

Sleep deprived!

So, M has never STTN but would only wake once or twice, we would go in and comfort her and then she would go right back to bed. All of a sudden, she has decided she should wake up every few hours and scream. We go in and try to calm her down but she is sometimes inconsolable until we pick her up and rock her (which the dr told us not to do anymore). Once we get her to sleep that way, she wakes up immediately upon putting her down and the cycle starts over. Right now, I'm on hour three of trying to get her back to bed. Ive started reading The No Cry Sleep Solution at the pedis suggestion but not far enough in to actually be able to put anything into practice yet. Anyone experience this recently? I'm so sleep deprived.... I swear when I tried to form sentences at work this morning people just looked at me like I made no sense!

I should also state that DH has decided he is giving up and is currently sound asleep. Grrrr

Re: Sleep deprived!

  • I feel ya!

    DD hasn't STTN since the 4m regression. I wake 2-3x a night.
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  • Bootswtfur87Bootswtfur87 member
    edited June 2014
    I have been going through the same thing for 8 days now. It has gotten a little better over the last two nights. For us I think it is a combo of separation anxiety (he wakes and I'm not there) and teething (7 months old tomorrow and still no teeth). We ebf, I'm trying not to pick him up to feed him everytime, instead to put one hand next to his head and other hand rubbing his tummy and make the shhh sound for a few minutes. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I really do feel your pain, it is so hard but I keep reassuring myself that this is just a phase and it will end. Lo is lucky he is cute!! *edited because I accidentally pressed send too soon.*
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  • I hear you. DS doesn't go down until 10pm (I put him in his crib at 8), then he's up at midnight and 4am. I accidentally gave him a bottle of water at his last wake up because I'm new at formula and too sleep deprived to remember what I put on the nightstand.
  • We've started this over the weekend. Up every two/three hours screaming bloody murder and the only way to go back asleep is some snuggles and rocking. I had a peek in his mouth this am and he's cut four teeth since Sunday. Mystery solved.
  • I know sleeping on their back is recommended but my little guy hates . We put him on his side. Sometimes he rolls to his belly. He is sleeping so much better. If he does wake a few pats on his back & some shushing fets him right back to sleep. We have twins and little girl is content on her back.
  • I was in your shoes a week or two ago. A was waking up every 45 min to an hour all night long. It was terrible. The last couple days he is back to 1-2x a night which I will take GLADLY over those hellish nights!

    He wasn't hungry, he really just would wake up at the end of every sleep cycle unable to go back to sleep. I'd go in there and usually the paci and 10-15 min of belly rubbing would do the trick. I think it was mostly a developmental thing as he is trying to crawl and just started sitting up on his own a lot better. I don't have much advice, just commiseration. It seems we are on the other side of it now. Hope it passes for you quickly.

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  • TJHineTJHine member
    My LO has never STTN, and regularly wakes every 1 1/2-2 hours. It is very difficult, but I try to remind myself that this too shall pass - so no advice really, just hugs!
  • mwhipple77mwhipple77 member
    edited June 2014
    This happened at our house right after DD turned 4 months.  She had been sleeping through the night previously.  I put her down between 7:45 and 8:00 and she wakes up anywhere between 9 and 2 every night.  I tried for a few nights to get her back to sleep in her crib and everytime I would lay her down, she would wake right back up.  We started bed sharing.  

    I have tried to put her down drowsy so she would learn to self soothe, let her cry for 5 minutes, go check on her, tell her she's okay, walk away without picking her up, go back in 10 minutes, she's thrown up from crying.  We can't do down drowsy yet.

    I thought maybe we were turning on the corner on this phase this weekend, she slept until 5 Saturday morning and 4 Sunday morning in her crib before I brought her into our bed.  Then Sunday night she was awake at 9:30 and wouldn't go back down in her crib.  Last night it was 11.

    After all that, I obviously have no advice, these babies are weird!  But you are not alone!

    ETA: I use weird in a sarcastic way.
  • Thanks girls! At least I'm not alone, right? I think it could be a combination of things, teeth included. Maybe I will try a little Tylenol tonight if she is screaming again as @Sing2phins‌ recommended. Fingers crossed we all come out on the other side of this soon!!
  • I agree with @CarrieB‌ this sort of waking is really common at this stage if hyper development. It might be helpful to read up on baby sleep cycles to determine if this applies. DD has been STTN for over a month and just the last few nights has been restless or crying. She's just about to crawl and we're in the early stages of teething. I've given some Tylenol and extra love.

  • cagoldicagoldi member
    edited June 2014

    I agree with @CarrieB‌ this sort of waking is really common at this stage if hyper development. It might be helpful to read up on baby sleep cycles to determine if this applies. DD has been STTN for over a month and just the last few nights has been restless or crying. She's just about to crawl and we're in the early stages of teething. I've given some Tylenol and extra love.

    This has been true for us as well. Sometimes he sleeps 12 hours straight, other nights he is up only once, some nights he's up 6 times, and if he is sick all bets are off. Last week there was one night we started trying to get him to bed at 8 and he didn't get settled until 3:30!

    Since many nights we don't have to pick him up or feed him and he just needs shushing and patting, we got a new monitor that let's us communicate with him. There have been several occasions now where we just had to shush him and reassure him through the monitor and he went right back to sleep.

    Aside from that, he's having a lot of trouble settling down to sleep. We put him in his crib, he rolls onto his tummy and starts crawling and biting his lovey, scratching at his sheets, etcetera. I think they are just so alert right now it's hard to calm down. He's working on pulling to stand and getting very excited about it.

    My money is on teeth or cognitive leap.

    We've been using his tranquil turtle for bedtime. I turn it on as we are doing rocking, book, and his bottle and he seems to be ready for sleep a little faster since we've started doing that.
  • Thanks girls! At least I'm not alone, right? I think it could be a combination of things, teeth included. Maybe I will try a little Tylenol tonight if she is screaming again as @Sing2phins‌ recommended. Fingers crossed we all come out on the other side of this soon!!
    Any chance LO has had congestion or a cold? Might be worth a quick ear check at the pedi for ear infections or fluid. Every time H has had a random night(s) of crappy sleep it's been because of an ear infection. GL!
    Six years of infertility and loss, four IUIs, one IVF and one very awesome little boy born via med-free birth 10.24.13.
  • This happened with my baby last week ( who normally sleeps through the night).the first 2 nights were hellish. The next day, she cut her first tooth. That night we gave her some Tylenol before bed and that did the trick. If its not getting any better I'd check for an ear infection too. Good luck!
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