Cloth Diapering

NCDR/AW-Please tell me why this works!!!!!

DS is 5 months old and DH and I have always joked that we want him potty trained by 6 months. A few weeks ago before his bath as a joke I held him over the toilet and he peed! We thought it was cute but just a fluke, now I do it every time before his bath and here and there over the weekend when I am home and he pees every time then smiles like he knows he's awesome. We don't really do it on any set schedule so why does this work? While I would love to think my kid is a super genius, I'm thinking it is a combo of cool air on his bits and cold porcelain on his butt, thoughts?

Re: NCDR/AW-Please tell me why this works!!!!!

  • My kid always peed once her diaper came off and she felt the shock of cold air.
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  • My kid always peed once her diaper came off and she felt the shock of cold air.
    That's what I was thinking. He never pees on the changing table but the bathroom is colder and the toilet is cold etc... BUT I am thinking if we keep this up once a day before bath time it might make potty training easier because the toilet will never be new to him... sounds logical.  
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  • rcultrona said:
    My kid always peed once her diaper came off and she felt the shock of cold air.
    That's what I was thinking. He never pees on the changing table but the bathroom is colder and the toilet is cold etc... BUT I am thinking if we keep this up once a day before bath time it might make potty training easier because the toilet will never be new to him... sounds logical.  
    ^^ This is actually something that's recommended in one of the books I've read - Diaper Free Before 3.  From when they can sit independently - having one set time a day when you set them on the potty just to familiarize them with it.  

    We haven't moved beyond this stage yet ourselves, but it's pretty cool when you're in synch with their routine!
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    DS born 6/2013
  • I don't know that I have the patience or inclination for EC. I don't have a problem with him training at a normal speed and honestly since he is with me some days my mom some days and MIL some days it would the hard to get any consistency and what little I know about EC it all depends upon being consistent and reading cues. 
  • yea, M pees every night on the floor in front of the tub while watching it fill up.

    ok she used to, now we leave the diaper on or put some prefolds down.

    I swear we have the same baby! Lol. M does this too :)
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  • km_mdkm_md member
    My mom started sitting me on the potty before baths when I was 6 months old and I was trained early. I plan on doing the same with DD. At least they will be used to the idea of a potty when serious potty training time comes.

  • Mandmeesh said:

    yea, M pees every night on the floor in front of the tub while watching it fill up.

    ok she used to, now we leave the diaper on or put some prefolds down.

    I swear we have the same baby! Lol. M does this too :)

    speaking of which I meant to ask you - did you ever try making cookies to replace the gerber ones? We have the same bag that was gifted to us thats almost gone, and I'd rather make something simple with fewer ingredients. I feel like this was months ago - it was you right? @mandmeesh

    It was me. And nope, we didn't make any. Lol. @CLLDLL‌ suggested plum organics teething biscuits. So we got those
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  • My DD is pretty much potty trained and she's only 11 months. We noticed that she made a certain face before/during a poop so at 9 months, my SO started putting her on the toilet whenever she made the face. Now we just put her on every so often and she goes or she doesnt. If she has to, she will sometimes 'tell' us by crawling over to the bathroom. It's pretty nice not having to change poopy diapers anymore. My SO wants her trained by the time the next one gets here in October and it looks like it might actually happen.

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  • I'm totally trying this with Logan. :)
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  • we do EC sorta. I started because I didn't want to deal with solids poop. I don't mind wet diapers, so I don't worry about them so much. We started around 5.5 months and DS took to it very easily. He hasn't pooped in his diaper in months now. He clearly knows when he has to go and when he doesn't. I will sit him when I change his diaper now. he will balk and not bend at the waist if he doesn't have to go. If he does he easily sits down. He also will wait for me to get home from work and not poop when he is with the babysitter. I don't get how it works. He doesn't pee if he is diaper free and not on the toilet. I'm just going with babies are way smarter than we give them credit for.
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