DS is 5 months old and DH and I have always joked that we want him potty trained by 6 months. A few weeks ago before his bath as a joke I held him over the toilet and he peed! We thought it was cute but just a fluke, now I do it every time before his bath and here and there over the weekend when I am home and he pees every time then smiles like he knows he's awesome. We don't really do it on any set schedule so why does this work? While I would love to think my kid is a super genius, I'm thinking it is a combo of cool air on his bits and cold porcelain on his butt, thoughts?
Re: NCDR/AW-Please tell me why this works!!!!!
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
DS born 6/2013
It was me. And nope, we didn't make any. Lol. @CLLDLL suggested plum organics teething biscuits. So we got those
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