November 2013 Moms

Monday bitchfest.

I need it so I'm starting this early..


My husband fixed the breaks on my car. Great. While backing out of the garage after, he hit the garage with my car!!!!!! Ugh!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pissed! but he's beating himself up about it enough without me piling on.. But damn it I just wanna yell.

I'm sick. Also DHs fault.. I told him not to kiss me as I don't have time to be sick. He kissed me anyway saying he felt fine. I woke up with a sore throat and now feel like death..

We're still not speaking to DH's grandparents yet grandma still keeps texting me to remind me about the father's day grill out.. How does she not understand that what she did was not okay??? And until I get a REAL apology that we're not going to things at her house. I'm not rewarding people for treating my family badly.. You don't get to hold my baby and love on him like you care when you make zero effort to see him and you disrespect his parents..


I feel a tiny bit better getting it all out.. Anyone else needs to get some things off their chest??


Re: Monday bitchfest.

  • taradiestaradies member
    edited June 2014
    My father has been posting extremely offensive Muslim/Islam hate propaganda and impeach "oboma" petitions all over FB.  It has gotten to the point that I just unfriended and blocked him. It was literally causing me to be sick to my stomach watching the blind hatred and ignorance spew from him. I'm sure a shitstorm is to follow because I posted what I was doing and why on his page and asked my SM to show him pics of Hailey so he would know what he was missing.

    I told H yesterday what I wanted for my BDay next year and he laughed in my face. I asked to go to the CMAs since my MIL and FIL will be moving close by then and will be able to take H for the weekend. It's a year notice, from someone that has NEVER asked for anything, and he basically says no. WTF?!?

    ETA: proper tense
    July Siggy Challenge: Orestis Karnezis (Greece)

    ...and the freak circle is complete.
  • TJHineTJHine member
    My refrigerator died on Saturday - I lost the very small stash of milk I had, a ton of homemade solids, as well as all my food.

    The new fridge was supposed to come today, but when they came to take the old one, they couldn't find where to turn off the water line. I felt like an ass for not knowing and not being able to ask Tim. He would have known this. Now I have to wait for the new fridge until a plumber can come and find the line - not such a huge deal, but annoying.

    And on top of it all, I had saved a chocolate chip cookie that Tim had made in the freezer. It was wrapped in plastic but got wet in the cooler. I was able to salvage half of it, but that didn't stop me from ugly crying.
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  • TJHine said:
    My refrigerator died on Saturday - I lost the very small stash of milk I had, a ton of homemade solids, as well as all my food. The new fridge was supposed to come today, but when they came to take the old one, they couldn't find where to turn off the water line. I felt like an ass for not knowing and not being able to ask Tim. He would have known this. Now I have to wait for the new fridge until a plumber can come and find the line - not such a huge deal, but annoying. And on top of it all, I had saved a chocolate chip cookie that Tim had made in the freezer. It was wrapped in plastic but got wet in the cooler. I was able to salvage half of it, but that didn't stop me from ugly crying.
    HUGS!  Sorry that your day is off to a rough start!!


  • God, @wedding06, that is really awful. Be careful, cellulitis is no joke! I hope you all start feeling better soon and the antibiotics you're taking now do the trick. Your little family definitely needs a break from all these illnesses. I'm sorry it's been so rough.
  • I'm waiting for the approval for an MRI of my neck. I've had two ER visits in the past month and nine weeks of physical therapy with no relief. It hurts to pick J up, it hurts to shower, and it usually hurts to sleep. I'm more than ready to be back to my happy, active self. I'm taking a hiatus from exercising, and I feel my sanity is going with it. I don't get out of the house by myself because I know I'll have a flare up. I've been crying a lot lately, and I don't like taking pain pills but don't really have a choice at this point. So, screw you pain. 
    Married July 12, 2013
    Jack Donovan born November 9, 2013
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I cannot stand the phone-nurse for our pediatrician... all I want is some more eye drops for LO since his eye is super gunky... but NO!!! I have to go through the Spanish Inquisition first!!!

    No he doens't have a runny nose.. he did... that's why you made me come in to see them last week  you ho-bag...
    No, he is not coughing, because we finally went the pulmonologist who gave us a breathing treatment that actually f*cking works!!!
    No, he doesn't have a fever...

    Sure, you bet I'll come in to see you if it doesn't clear up in 3 days, because you know... I don't work...and I have a shit ton of extra time this week helping with my BIL's wedding and what-not....
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @Sing2phins,  We were on the Pulmicort for about a month and LO was still wheezing... We are now on QVar... Ask to be put on it!! Within 10 days of being on it, he was sleeping through the night again and has barely coughed... only when he drinks too fast...

    They gave us some Tobradex a while back because he had gunky eye... I think its a clogged tear duct...but I'm not sure...

    Isaac had the summer flu last week and a bit of a fever with it... but he's doing much better now!! :) Its like he's a new baby... happy all the time.. it is truly amazing
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yesterday when I went to put jase's bottle together for daycare I realize I never unpacked the pumped milk from my bag on Friday!! 15 oz down the drain!FML
  • keight38 said:

    Yesterday when I went to put jase's bottle together for daycare I realize I never unpacked the pumped milk from my bag on Friday!! 15 oz down the drain!FML

    Did you cry? I would cry. I might cry for you.
    Seriously. I freak if 1 oz. is wasted.
  • keight38 said:

    Yesterday when I went to put jase's bottle together for daycare I realize I never unpacked the pumped milk from my bag on Friday!! 15 oz down the drain!FML

    Did you cry? I would cry. I might cry for you.
    I was so upset that I couldn't cry. I kind of went into that avoid emotion mode. Luckily I already supplement with formula about 2-3 oz a day so I just chalked it up to supplementing with a lot more formula for a day. But if I think about the hour spent on the bathroom floor pumping my lip stars to quiver.
  • I try not to bitch about Tim much, because he normally is pretty damn awesome, but he pissed me off tonight!

    Layla was on the floor with me, she was sitting and reaching for a toy. It looked like she was about to transition to her knees, instead she went down face first and it hit part of her face on the toy. I scooped her up because she obviously was crying. Tim proceeded to say "God dammit Kate, what did you think would happen!" I was already crying, and I already felt ashamed of myself for not anticipating what happened.

    Then to top it off, he picked Layla up and said "don't worry, Daddy won't let you get hurt." I pretty much flipped my shit after that and told him to stop being such an asshole because I didn't need him to make me feel worse. Normally he is so great, but damn I was pissed at him tonight. Of course his response was "I was just giving you shit, don't get so mad." Fucker!

  • @wedding06‌ it wasn't that she fell, it was that I didn't anticipate that the toy was too close and so she hit her face on it. I probably am beating myself up about it more that I should.

    Thanks ladies for your own stories about LO's getting hurt. Obviously I don't want anyone hurt, but it's nice to know we are all in the same boat with trying to let them develop motor skills balanced with keeping them safe.

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