Childless not by choice

Check In!!

Ok, time to check in. Yell if you're still around. 

Do you have any plans for June? 

- We're headed to a wedding this weekend.
- Our CSA starts in 2 weeks. Can't wait to get weekly deliveries of fresh fruit, veggies and eggs.

The ultimate plan for June would be that my husband would obtain employment. Though, I think it more likely that we will be filling out a dozen more applications. BLAH!
Married to the love of my life since 2005
TTC #1 - 
BFP # 1: 5/2006 - m/c @ 6 weeks (natural) / EDD 1/17/2007
BFP # 2: 7/2007 - chemical pregnancy / EDD 3/18/2008
BFP # 3: 6/2013 - 7/9 u/s: No hb, measuring 2 weeks behind. Very high HCG#'s 7/21 u/s: No change, ruled out molar pregnancy. Completed Natural Missed M/C 7/26/2013 / EDD 2/5/2014
TTA with Diaphragm. 
I didn't want to kiss you goodbye, that was the trouble; I wanted to kiss you goodnight. And there's a lot of difference. - Ernest Hemingway 

Licensed foster family. No current placements. Open to adoption but that is not our goal and as such we don't have dual foster/adopt home study.
2012-2013: Former Foster Mommy to 1 bubbly little 8 y.o. girl that has moved onto an amazing adoptive home.

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