
Share Your Strawberry Shortcake Recipe

I never made strawberry shortcake, but I'd like to try. Does anyone have a good recipe for fluffly shortcake? We went strawberry picking yesterday and there's no way we're going to eat them all.
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Re: Share Your Strawberry Shortcake Recipe

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    The most effort I'd put into strawberry shortcake would be when I squirt that nasty strawberry flavored corn syrup onto a store-bought angel food cake after putting sliced strawberry on top of it. 

    I would consider making the cake part from angel food cake mix, but that's about it.
    Ain't got time for that.
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    There used to be a recipe on the back of a Bisquick box I always used. It's probably still on the boxes. That's always been my favorite for the shortcake. With the strawberries, I just mash with sugar and serve with loads of whipped cream!!
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    OMG how did I forget to mention whipped cream? In a can. Most would go right into my mouth. Or on DH later tonight (JK, he's too hairy for body toppings). 
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    fresh biscuit, crushed strawberries, and whip cream.  
            image image  image 
    To be loved, and to be in love
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    Angel food cake, macerated strawberries (slice strawberries, sprinkle with sugar, mix, let sit for a couple hours), and whipped cream. Angel food cake from scratch is about a million times better than store bought. If you have a tube pan, I prefer this recipe
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    If you want something sweet and dense I use pound cake. For light and fluffy, definitely angel food cake.



    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

    Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!

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    I like my strawberry shortcake on pound cake. If you want a short cut method buy the Sara Lee poundcake from the freezer section slice strawberries, add sugar a capful of vanilla extract, which makes a great syrup, spoon that over the pound cake top with whip cream or vanilla ice cream. Delicious!

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    cake sounds amazing.  i've only ever had it with a (fluffy) biscuit.  delicious but not light.  

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