
Roku or Apple TV or Google TV? Thoughts?

I was thinking of getting DH a TV streaming device for Father's Day. We have some sort of Blue Ray streaming device but it is old and sucks. Any thought on Roku, Apple TV, Google TV or something else? What are you guys doing/getting for Father's Day?
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Re: Roku or Apple TV or Google TV? Thoughts?

  • We have Apple TV. I like it, but it buffers a lot but I'm assuming that's because our internet provider is a bag of dicks. DH did all the research and decided Apple TV was better than Roku but not sure why.

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • It depends on what services you subscribe to. If you watch Amazon Prime, they just came out with their own streaming player. We have a Sony device and really like it. We have Hulu+, Netflix, and Prime. I think that Apple is more specialized but if he watched a lot of iTunes stuff, you should probably go with that one.
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  • We stream through the XBox, but H looked at all of these when getting his dad a gift recently. He bought him the Roku as it had the best reviews.
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • I am so behind technology.
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  • Pips09Pips09 member
    We love our AppleTV. 
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  • lifehacker is currently having a vote on the best one.  lots of useful info.

    personally, i have a chromecast and i love it.  simple, i can use netflix, hulu, hbogo, youtube, and pandora.  i can also "cast" my chrome tab to the tv so it displays whatever is on that tab if i'm using a nonsupported streaming website.  with that casting option, if i drag a video/movie file from my harddrive into a tab, that tab will play the movie and i just cast it to the tv.  incredibly easy and only $30.

    however long the night, dawn will break.


  • apple tv is the best
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