So I am a new mom, dd is only six months old. Right now we are more focused on learning to crawl, than learning to read. However I recently discovered that my niece who will be staying with me a good chunk of the summer has not learned to write cursive, and was taught sight reading thus can't sound out new words. My plan is this summer to teach her proper handwriting and phonics. I don't know where to find any materials to help us get started. My niece is eleven years old and will be going into sixth grade (public school) next year. I really need a way to do this that fits her age, and not aimed at much younger kids. Any suggestions would be a great help.
Re: Help me fix this.
Teaching phonics is going to seem condescending to her no matter how you package it. I think your best bet is to just incorporate some out loud reading time into your day, pick interesting age-appropriate books that are going to have words she doesn't know in them, and help her figure them out.