March 2012 Moms

Hello Hello Hello - check in

Our board is a little slow. I thought to maybe do a check in and see who all is here and what you and your LO(s) are up to.
1.) How are you? How is your little one?

2.)Anything new or exciting your little one is doing? Could be something developmentally or new summer classes, anything.

3.) Any plans for this weekend or upcoming week?

4.) Since it is finally nice out, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
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Re: Hello Hello Hello - check in

  • WipzWipz member
    I'm here .. I just dont post much anymore since everyone else seems to have moved to the other board

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  • 1.) I am good and K is good. Both just tired she is having sleep issues, as in in lack of sleep. :((

    2.) I love hearing dd sing. She is starting to try and sing songs she hears on the radio. She is starting a new reading class/program next week.

    3.) It's the season of graduation parties. We have 3 this weekend, eeehhh.

    4.) I'm a strawberry ice cream kind of gal.

    I just would really like to keep this board going, because I have really enjoyed all you ladies and your helpful advice.
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  • I'm here!  I agree - I'd like to keep some life on this board.  I like the small, drama-free group of ladies here.

    1.) How are you? How is your little one?  I'm good!  A is good too.  He's a lot of fun, very talkative and silly and sweet.  The whining and meltdowns are a little over the top, but other than that...

    2.)Anything new or exciting your little one is doing? Could be something developmentally or new summer classes, anything.  Potty training!  I don't want to jinx myself, but I think this could be one of the few things that might be easy for us.  He seemed to get the hang of it really quickly!  I'm considering this a trade off for the fact that he didn't STTN regularly until he turned 2 :)

    3.) Any plans for this weekend or upcoming week?  Yesterday we went to my parents' house to watch the Kings game.  Today we're just getting some stuff done around the house and having a relatively low key day.  The ILs are coming to visit this week, so I want to do a deep clean in the next couple of days too.

    4.) Since it is finally nice out, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?  Oh man, that is a tough one.  Moose tracks.  Chocolate chip cookie dough.  Chocolate brownie.  Cookies n cream.  ALL THE ICE CREAM!!!!!  It's one of my weaknesses.
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    52 books in 2015?           
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  • Wipz said:
    I'm here .. I just dont post much anymore since everyone else seems to have moved to the other board

    I promise we didn't move to the social group! I just created that on case the BMB goes away. There aren't any posts there!
  • nunzchucksnunzchucks member
    edited June 2014
    1) We are good! Just got home from the hospital today and both DH and I are getting in a million snuggles with DD. We missed her so much! 2 has been a fun age. I love hearing how her mind works!
    2. She has developed an interest in dinosaurs. I'm so impressed with how much she knows about them and how she can clearly say some of the long names! "Tyrannosaurus has huge jaws." is one of her favorite facts.
    3. Just adjusting to our new life as a family of 4!
    4. Cookies and Cream!
  • @KrsCrp83‌ good luck with the potty training! When we first started I was hesitant but saw that K was really interested. I just made sure to be consistent and would ask or sit her on the potty events every t e o you d or so until we got a routine. Yeah I wish sleeping came as easy as potty training for her. Sleeping in her own room in her bed she still doesn't STTN. We're working on it though. Good luck with the IL visit.

    @Excited30‌ I am glad you got a medicine that will hopefully work and allow her to enjoy herself. I also has to be a sigh of relief for you. I couldn't imagine h going through everything you go through with her health, and everything else. You are one strong momma! I hope you two enjoy the beach. I imagine that will be so much fun. I love going but don't go often since I am very land locked living in Indiana.

    @LilNunz1‌I hope all is going well, and that you hopefully are getting some sleep! Also that you aren't in to much pain from your csection. Yeah my DH asked me if I was nervous about l&d this time around, and I told him no I was more nervous leaving dd for at least 2 days. That is awesome that your dd is interested in dinosaurs and can even say the names, that is pretty impressive. Her tyrannosaurus fact made me laugh.
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  • I'm around. Just in a horrible mood so I pretty much keep to myself. It's been a rough year in many different areas. I feel like a downer so I just keep to myself most the time. :)

    1.) How are you? How is your little one?

    Well, as stated, been a rough one. I could really use a week's vacation....alone. Well, maybe I'll let DH tag along....Maybe. I feel like I'm living in a fog most the time. Just so much going on and so many stressers that I'm just exhausted all the time.

    DD is feeling her 2-ness. Which is rough on me. I tired of every minute of every day being a fight about something. So much easier to take care of ten 2yr olds....when I had a co-teacher and got to send them home at the end of the day. No one warns you that 2s are so much harder than the newborn stage. lol. When she's not throwing tantrums and refusing to sleep, she's pretty fun and cute.

    2.)Anything new or exciting your little one is doing? Could be something developmentally or new summer classes, anything.

    She is talking all the time. There has been some major potty training regression but she knows and recognizes almost all her letters.

    3.) Any plans for this weekend or upcoming week?

    More than I would like. I just tried to set up a playdate before I realized that I was already busy that day...end every other day. This coming weekend will be our first two lumberjack competitions of the season. Tomorrow night I have a meeting at church for VBS. It will involve some extra work as I'll have to get dinner for DH and DD done early but it will be nice to have an evening off...even if just for a meeting.

    4.) Since it is finally nice out, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?

    Vienna Mocha Chunk from Friendly's. Or plain chocolate anywhere else.

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  • 1. All is good. I feel like I never sit down anymore but that's all par for the course with a 2 year old, right? The big difference is now it comes with verbal encouragement. "Mama, what are you doing? Get up!"

    2. It never ceases to amaze me how fast he's learning stuff-- and doesn't forget. He's learning letters in words now and looked at the word "room" in a book and told me "There's two Os there." I had no idea he knew that stuff. On a funnier note, we were eating breakfast yesterday and I asked him if he wanted yogurt. He thought about it for a second and said "No, Mama. I don't want yogurt. I'll take a popsicle," like this was an obvious option. When I told him no popsicles for breakfast, he acted like I was crazy and said "Yeah. Ok, I'll have a red one." (He got yogurt!)

    3. We're looking forward to 10 days of vacation in a few weeks. I can't wait to just stay home and relax. We have no plans and will make plans as we feel like it. That's usually my favorite vacation (at least with a kid!).

    4. Salted caramel. Always.
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  • I'm back on TB mostly for tips on our new babies. It's crazy how much I've forgotten about raising infants from just two years ago, but of course I've gotta stop in here from time to time too.

    1.) How are you? How is your little one?
    We've had lots of changes, Vivi now has a little brother and sister. Life with a two year old and 4-month twins is exhausting, but so much fun.

    2.)Anything new or exciting your little one is doing? Could be something developmentally or new summer classes, anything.
    Like everyone else, she just amazes me with how much she's learning.  I love it when she sings "You are my sunshine" to moments ever.  On the flip side, we're experiencing some jealousy issues toward her cousin which has been difficult, since it's manifesting physically with pushing, grabbing, etc.  Also, she'll be starting preschool in the fall - I want to cry every time I think about it

    3.) Any plans for this weekend or upcoming week?
    a graduation party and still trying to plan something for father's day

    4.) Since it is finally nice out, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
    :)  I haven't had it in forever...but my fave is Ben&Jerry chubby hubby.
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  • kaleb87 said:

    Our board is a little slow. I thought to maybe do a check in and see who all is here and what you and your LO(s) are up to.
    1.) How are you? How is your little one?

    We are well! We're recovering from the school year. At least I am! I'm loving time at home with the girls! I've been around, but my computer has been dead and my iPad won't let me respond. I love this board, though! I'm about to give up on L's BMB, but I really like this group!

    2.)Anything new or exciting your little one is doing? Could be something developmentally or new summer classes, anything.

    Our girl is a singer! I'm amazed at how many songs she knows all the way through! Her favorite is "Do You Want to Build a Snowman," so we listen to that a lot, both the real version and the Jane version! Like others have said, I love having conversations with her! It's crazy!

    3.) Any plans for this weekend or upcoming week?

    Yes! We are on a three week vacation before we move at the end of this month. Right now we're staying at a "lake" house with some friends (not much of a lake left because of the drought, but still nice) and on Friday we'll head up for a week in Colorado. I'm very excited!

    4.) Since it is finally nice out, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?

    Vanilla with a ton of sprinkles on top!

    Sorry if the format is super hard to read - I'm on my phone.


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  • badbridey said:
    I'm back on TB mostly for tips on our new babies. It's crazy how much I've forgotten about raising infants from just two years ago, but of course I've gotta stop in here from time to time too.

    1.) How are you? How is your little one?
    We've had lots of changes, Vivi now has a little brother and sister. Life with a two year old and 4-month twins is exhausting, but so much fun.

    I can't even imagine! Congratulations!
  • Thanks for posting the check-in! I like hearing from all you ladies too. :)

    1.) How are you? How is your little one?

    Good. DH and I started weekly couples therapy. We're 2 weeks in and I think it is going to help. I'm also going to do individual therapy more regularly again to help with my own issues. DS is great. Hasn't been sick in awhile, talking a ton, loving daycare and visiting family.

    2.)Anything new or exciting your little one is doing? Could be something developmentally or new summer classes, anything.

    Making believe, I guess. Like he'll use some random object as a phone and "call" his grandma, have a full on conversation, then say, "Ok, bye!" and pretend to hang up. It's so cool to see his little imagination blossom.

    3.) Any plans for this weekend or upcoming week?

    DH has a surprise planned for Saturday afternoon, then we'll have early dinner with friends, then maybe go somewhere to watch a World Cup game on Sunday.

    4.) Since it is finally nice out, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?

    As long as it has chocolate, I'm good. :)

  • I love reading all the updates on everyone!
  • ZimgerZimger member
    1.) How are you? How is your little one? I am tired. The little ones have all the energy. Haha!

    2.)Anything new or exciting your little one is doing? Could be something developmentally or new summer classes, anything. He is learning to count. 

    3.) Any plans for this weekend or upcoming week? Work and play outside!

    4.) Since it is finally nice out, what is your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookie Dough.
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  •  How are you? How is your little one?

    I am actually doing great! I am pretty happy to have lost ALL the baby weight and THEN some. I am down to 126 in weight and this week starting to work out. I am beyond floored to have lost so much weight. Now its all about toning.

    LO is beyond adorable. Still fussy with eating...he still only wants Boobie time. I have no idea when we will stop breast feeding. Im not in a huge rush especailly since he loves it so much.

    2.)Anything new or exciting your little one is doing? Could be something developmentally or new summer classes, anything.

    he is loving the pool time so much now. We take him in our pool every weekend now and i am trying to teach him small swim lessons. HE still does not like getting his head wet AT ALL, but he never has. His vocab is picking up big time. I notice ...that he will use english words with Dad...and Spanish words with me...its so cool to hear.

    3.) Any plans for this weekend or upcoming week? My 12 yo daughter had a pool party Saturday. Was a total hit. This week i have a GF flying in for a few days. Will be cool to take a few days off work and play.

    4.) Since it is finally nice out, what is your favorite ice cream flavor? Choc chip cookie Dough.

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