So DS (3.5yo speech delayed and hyperlexic) loves when my private violin students come over. He watches them excitedly and really wants to see what they are doing. Usually though, the two kids are at my mom's house so that they aren't pawing at the door while I teach a few lessons after work.
Today he was there while one of my students had her lesson. He watched for a while and then started taking music books off the shelf.
"Ooooh! Looky at this violin book. Oh wow! Looky all these notes! " Then I heard him singing very quietly to himself "doo doo dooo daaaa daa" and he had his finger moving along and tracking. I always said that I would not make my children play an instrument until they asked. I have played my whole life and am a public school music teacher as well as teach lessons at my house. I guess since he is speech delayed, this is as close to asking that he can do right now.
I am going to start him in a beginning music reading book and give him a few "lessons" on how to read and see if he has any interest. Besides word reading (rote and decoding) for the past 9 months, he is also into naming car brands right now. He yelled to a guy in the Target parking lot "Hey! You have a red Toyota? Its a red Toyota?" The guy laughed pretty hard and fortunately played along and said "Yeah it is a Toyota"
So we shall see. I will keep you guys posted. Maybe this will be his "thing" like it was mine
Re: So I guess I am going to teach him to read music
I would take your friend's advice and try to find places she can be exposed to performers as well as try things out on her own!
My poor violin is so out of tune and is just sitting in my downstairs closet and being insured with the rest of our belongings.
I think since DS is 5 he could be ready to see my violin.