
iPhone question

This might be dumb, but what is the photo stream on your phone? Can I delete it to make more room? This won't affect my other photos, right?

Re: iPhone question

  • I believe the photostream is what saves to your icloud back up.  If you delete it and your phone breaks,the pictures will be gone.

    Do you have Shutterfly?  You can download the app and then upload all of your photos there and then delete them.
  • TheBubTheBub member
    My phone has never synced with iCloud. I don't know why it never did before, but now I don't have enough space to do it.

  • Loading the player...
  • Do you back up on your computer?
  • TheBubTheBub member
    Yeah, I upload them every couple of months. I know I'm living on the edge! Lol!

  • You can also make shared photo streams. You add friends and family to shared streams and they'll see any photos you upload. I have some with the grandparents because they're the only ones interested in 309 negligibly different photos of my son playing on his water table.



    can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:

    Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014

    Formerly Twilightmv
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