It's been great watching the relationships develop between my twins and their older brother (26 months old). But lately I've noticed he's developing a real preference for one of the twins over the other. I think it's because Twin 1 meets his eyes more, and is more amenable to ... ahem ... tough love, shall we say ... love taps, love head butts, etc. Whereas Twin 2 is a little more reserved, a little less active, and more sensitive to affection that is a bit too rough.
DS1 almost always chooses Twin 1 to interact with over Twin 2, which is fine I guess ... But just this afternoon DS1 and Twin 1 were on the ground playing, and Twin 2 was sitting with me on the couch. So I put Twin 2 down on the floor to enjoy watching and interacting with his brothers, and DS1 starting crying and whining asking me to take him away and put him back on the couch.
That bothers me a little ... is it something I should be worried about? Should I try to initiate more interaction between DS1 and Twin 2? Or does it not matter at this point? (I know that he will probably be closer to one twin than the other, and that's okay, I just don't want Twin 2 to be the odd man out.
Re: Sibling question