Cloth Diapering

NCDR: Kefir help?

So I bought some kefir grains.  And after a week of recovery time they're giving me something that's about the consistency of store-bought kefir.  However, it smells like really terrible blue cheese and makes me gag when I try it - it's kind of a cross between said terrible blue cheese and spoiled milk.

The guy I bought them from (via amazon) basically told me that the stuff from the grains is just a lot different from store-bought stuff, and even he doesn't like to drink it plain.  Or he said my milk might be souring before the kefir bacteria are able to do their thing.  How does one fix that?

I was imagining it would be like tart yogurt like the plain kefir I've drunk from the store.  Instead I can't drink this stuff at all.

Anyone have any insight?  

Is @MapleMe the one I remember around here that makes kefir?  I went back and looked at the kefir thread on here from back in April, and my grains don't really look like your pretty ones do ... maybe pictures will help?



BabyFetus Ticker
DS born 6/2013

Re: NCDR: Kefir help?

  • I've been doing 24 hours - I just ditched a number of the grains last night, because last night the culture was all separated out even with 2 cups of milk (I had about 1TBS of grains).

    The lid is super loose, and not airtight at all.  I'll try switching to cheesecloth though - maybe it just needs to breathe more!

    Thanks so much for your help @Mapleme!!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS born 6/2013
  • musicalsilvermusicalsilver member
    edited June 2014
    Oh - and so I should only be carrying forward grains that float?  My culture has been super thick, so I've just been dumping the whole thing in the sieve, so I'm not sure if they're floating or sinking (I have to imagine some are floating based on the head that the culture develops?).

    And also - what does yours taste like?  This guy sending me the email made it sound like I hadn't acquired the taste for it, but I can't imagine it being too far off of store-bought stuff?
    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS born 6/2013
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  • Mapleme said:
    I don't know about floating, there was just one that wasn't so I tossed it. I'm lazy and skim the grains off the top, rather than straining them, so non floaters are annoying. My kefir tastes a little yeastier than yogurt and gets fizzy if I leave it for a whole, but definitely tastes nothing like blue cheese. Maybe his grains are weird? Since you bought them on Amazon, how are the reviews? How warm is their environment? When I cultured the kefir in the heated space that I culture my kombucha in, it definitely got too strong too fast (but still not rotten tasting). Maybe aim for a shorter timeframe?
    Yea... with it being warmer now, I've noticed mine doesn't take as long now. Also, I use a mason jar, with a papertowel held in place with the metal ring. 

    Also, I'm making way too much kefir, and not drinking it regularly. I've made pancakes, cold oatmeal type of thing, smoothie, chocolate popsicles. What else? I tried to make slow cooker oats last night with it... I thought it tasted kinda weird.... but DS ate a bit of it. 
  • It's about 70-75F where I'm letting the cultures sit, so I don't *think* that's too warm.  I'll try sampling some at earlier timepoints this weekend to see if that helps.  I also have reduced the number of grains, so hopefully that'll help.

    The amazon seller is really well reviewed, I looked at a lot of different options before I picked this one, but trying a different set of grains might be something worth looking into if your suggestions don't improve things.

    Here's to hoping that I get rid of this mysterious blue cheese funk and can enjoy some good kefir soon!

    Thanks again @Mapleme - you've been so much more help than the seller!!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS born 6/2013
  • Mapleme said:
    Since M was born I've been super lazy with my kefir and mostly stockpiling it in my fridge and taking swigs from the jar as I think of if. But I really like blending it up with fresh or frozen fruit and maple syrup or honey. I want to try making ice cream out of it, but haven't. Next week I might not have fridge access so I'm contemplating using it for granola. 70-75 should be fine. I'm betting that more air flow will help the most.

  • TJ1979TJ1979 member
    So much about this thread is making me want to vomit.
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