My husband and I took the Bradley Method birthing classes when I was pregnant and were completely prepared and set on a natural birth, no meds, nothing. But when the day actually came my baby was positioned posteriorly and gave me the most agonizing labor I could have ever imagined. I never had the contractions that built up, but started off at 2-3 mins apart with 8-9/10 pain, that never really let up even between contractions. After about 12 hours of going from 1-3 cm dilated and continued pain I opted for stadol, next hours later I asked for them to break my water, and then hours after that I begged for an epidural, baby went into distress, and resulted in a csection. I can't help but feel like I completely failed and that I let my husband down who was an amazing coach. Obviously I'm happy to have a happy, healthy baby but I had so many expectations for this birth and it ended up being the complete opposite of what I had hoped for. I honestly get teary about it on a regular basis and almost lose it when people comment about it not being what I wanted it to be, also doesn't help to have all the crazy post partum hormones. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Re: Wanted a natural birth and wound up with a csection :(
The week my baby was born, I went to my regular appointment with my midwife on Monday. She said my urine was weird and for me to do a 24 hour catch (annoying!). My results came in Thursday. Normal protein levels in urine are 50-100 mg/L. Someone with severe pre-eclampsia has levels 800 mg/L or over. My level was 5,406 mg/L. They told me to come in first thing Friday to L&D to get a NST (where they monitor baby and mom's BP).
I was still in total denial, strolled in around 2 pm and got hooked up - thinking they'd run a test for an hour then let me go home. Well, my BP kept getting higher and higher and higher. Then came the blood tests. My "squat in a field of daisies and have your baby" midwife was luckily on call and there with me the whole time. She KNEW I didn't want a c section, but my test results were clear. My liver and kidneys were taking permanent damage. My blood pressure was through the roof. My c section was going to be at 10 pm. Then 8 pm. Then 7 pm because my body was shutting down.
My husband was being brought into the room and they had already cut me open - they couldn't wait for him to get on the non-sterile side of the curtain - my BP was 208/121. My baby girl was born - came out screaming - so I knew it would all be ok.
My midwife came to see me the next day and gave me the wise advice that it was okay to mourn the birth that I lost. That I had done all the prep and taken such good care of myself during my pregnancy - but in the end my body just couldn't take it. And that was big for me - to feel like my body betrayed me. That it didn't follow through with something it should be able to do.
After a couple weeks, it did get better. I had a lot of help (my mom). The more sleep - deprived I was, the more depressed I was. Get sleep whenever you can.
My baby is now 3 months old. She is getting close to sleeping through the night. I still reflect back on things and wish they could have gone another way. But - I am also extremely thankful that my midwife detected the issue and that a great OB did my c section. Feel free to PM me anytime.
I feel guilty that I had a c section. I feel guilty that I never got those brand new baby pictures and that I didn't get to hold him right away. I have panic attacks when I think about it sometimes and I cry. I had to go to the dentist a few weeks ago and the light looked like the light in the OR. I freaked out shaking and crying. I understand that it was what was best and I am so glad my ob made the call that he did. I am glad that my son and I our happy and healthy.
If you want to talk you can pm me.
You are a good mom no matter how a baby comes out. In your car, in a field, in the hospital without or with drugs in the OR... It doesn't change you as a mother and neither does breast feeding.
Motherhood is about survival and making the right choices for our children in or out of our bellies.
I had a C and don't feel the least bit guilty. It was a decision made between my doctors, me, and my husband. It was the best decision to get my daughter here alive and healthy and for me to survive the birthing process.
Having a set in stone plan doesn't work for birth , feeding, and plainly raising a child. Be flexible and roll with the punches and everyone will survive.
That bring said I do understand that it's difficult when reality doesn't meet our expectations of what will be.
Hope you are able to find peace about your delivery when you look at your happy and healthy baby.
I'll try to make a long story short....
With my 1st I went into labor overnight. I stayed home for about 8 hours and showed up to the hospital at 5cm. Labored pretty easily and got to 10cm. My baby was also posterior. I pushed for 1.5 hours and baby wasn't doing well with every push. I ended up having an episiotomy and they attempted to get him out with forceps, which was unsuccessful. I needed an emergency C-section under general anesthesia. DH couldn't be there and really...I wasn't "there" either. It took me a LONG time to get over it. And to be honest, I'm not sure I'm 100% over it, but I'm pretty close.
I wanted a VBAC for some sort of redemption when I was pg with ds#2. I ended up never going into labor and had a repeat C-section. My 2nd C-section was much better than my 1st however.
I'm sorry that happened to you and you are feeling sad about it. I completely understand.
~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~
My IF blog
I wanted natural births..or even a vaginal birth for both of my first 2 babies but wound up with c-sections both times after labouring for 28hrs & 26hrs. I wound up depressed after my second and had a really hard time connecting with baby:( am now 19 weeks along and have been seeing a psychologist about my previous and upcoming births which has been enormously helpful for me!
as some of the other ladies have did what was necessary for ur babe and that is the start of an amazing mom taking care of her baby! even though it's not at all what u wanted, you put ur baby's needs above your own and you should feel proud of that!! big hugs for you!
No periods due to 17 years of ballet and distance running after college. Zero response to 2 months of Clomid, little response to Letrozole. IUI left with 9 cysts = too many viable eggs due to age. On to IVF. Low dose of all meds still produced 37 mature eggs 12.6.11. Froze due to overstimulation.
FET #1.1 1.22.12 BFN. FET #1.2 2.22.12=GRACE! (and a vanishing twin).
Grace Katherine born 10.25.12 @ 36w6w 6#14oz 19.5".
FET #1.3 3.2013 BFN FET#1.4 4.2013 BFN. Never tried a fresh transfer. Let's try, despite 10 still frozen.
ER 6.26.13 27 mature eggs, slight overstim. ET 7.1.13 ectopic, FET 2.1 9.10.14 TRIPLETS!!
Boys born 3.18.14 @ 29w5d. Andrew Jack 3#6oz 16", Grant Robert 3#9oz 16", Charles Phillip 3#7oz 17".
Yesterday I spoke to a friend who told me that our mutual friend recently lost her son in childbirth because the baby was breech and she insisted she didn't want a c/s and pushed for a vaginal. This was not her first baby btw. Now she has to live with consequences of her stupid pig-headedness and closed-mindedness for the rest of her life.
I can't even imagine the anguish and despair she must feel now. I don't think there is anything worse in the world than losing a child and I can't even comprehend that you would ever waste time over 'oh I wanted a natural but had something else' when your beautiful an healthy child is right there beside you, a clear reward for any brief discomfort!!!
People should get their priorities straight and stop allowing themselves be brainwashed. We are so blessed that good health care is available in this day and age and unnecessary deaths are so rare.
I didn't realize how much I wanted a 'traditional' birth experience until now. I'm sad and disappointed that I won't be able to relate to those moms who talk about when/where they went into labor and the entire experience. I didn't think that mattered to me until I was told I couldn't have it.
I understand being let down that you didn't want the experience you imagined. I don't think it makes me a bad person or mother that I feel that way. If this is what my difficult baby wants, she'll get it.
So, way to be a jerk, @harmonicbabe26.