I'm @ 25 weeks and have literally nothing for my twins. Starting next weekend we're going start to purchase our car seats, followed by the cribs, bottles, and some clothes. My sis/mom are throwing a shower for me, so that will help;
I feel completely unprepared.
How much have you all completed or have left to purchase for your babies arrival?
Re: Nursery Status
N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!
I spent a weekend in the hospital at 32w and our oldest was staying w my ILs for the week, so H took the opportunity to clean out the office which became their room.
They were born at 34w and we completed all the little stuff while they were in the NICU.
I'm admittedly very sketched out at doing too much too soon. It's the opposite of comforting for me - like tempting fate. Even though I know it's ridiculous, I just can't. Even w my oldest, I couldn't even make a single baby purchase until something like 20w.
3/22 ER: 25R, 20M, 15F. 9 genetically normal, and 3 survived to Day 5
3/27 ET: transferred 1 embryo, beta 9dp5dt=163, 12dp5dt=639
4/25 1st ultrasound at 7 weeks = identical twins with heartbeats?!!!
Every dr visit and ultra sound, I get so anxious until they tell me their heartbeats are located and beating within the normal range.
At this point, I have to let that fear go and embrace my pregnancy. My hubby keeps saying every visit we get great news, and need to focus on the positive and not dwell in negativity.
He is absolutely right!
We will have to buy a second infant car seat. A dresser (mainly for DS1) to help with storage issues on clothing. I want a few girl outfits but not many since we have so many clothes left from DS1.
We set up the nursery as more of a bedroom for DS1, so we got him a twin bed, moved some of his toys in. Put up some sticker decals. He still sleeps in our room but I want him to have his own space just in case.
I am really just trying to figure out how everything is going to fit in our Master bedroom!
BFP: 12/2/13, EDD: 8/17/13
Follow MacKenzie and Madison's Journey at randidooley.wordpress.com
Cribs are setup, everything is washed, pictures and bookshelves hung, dresser is setup!
I still need to organize a little and buy some more decor - but it's ready if they were to come.
I haven't opened the car seats either - we have an appt to get them installed on 6-21 so they'll probably be opened that day. I haven't opened the RnPs, bouncer, Joovy roo, etc....I too am a little paranoid about it.
Our family blog
Sounds like you're getting the important stuff next week so don't worry! They won't need much at the beginning, and the shower will help.
Ticker/Siggy Warning: Children and losses mentioned
TTC #1 since 7/2011
ME: 37 DH: 38
HSG-1/16/12-possible blocked left tube
BFP#1---CP 7/9/12
Hysteroscopy-8/9/12-blocked left tube for sure, proceeding with IUI#1
IUI#1 (Gonal-F + trigger)=BFP#2 m/c @ 19w1d D&E 1/23/13
IUI #2 (Gonal F + trigger)=BFP#3 EDD 1/6/14 TWINS!!!
Identical girls born 11/17/13
BFP#4 EDD 8/27/15 MMC at 7w6d
BFP#5 m/c at 6w
BFP#6 EDD 10/5/16 Going Strong! It's a Girl!