Playing with his toy kitchen. Gosh, if I knew the brand, make, anything about this play kitchen I would highly recommend it but I have no idea since MIL bought it at Goodwill. It's so stinkin awesome though!
@oohgurl for you, lol. Our 1 year shoot. These might be big. Sowwy. Pics are getting harder to do, especially with 2. He wasnt really having any of it, so any pic that he wasnt crying was a win in our book.
And then the classic "Why are you crying brotha??"
Just popping in to say hi! Sorry all, life has been insanely busy. But thought I'd share some pics...for the first time in oh 6 months. (mostly for for you @beaubecca)
I just love this picture of his major bed head and bow tie. Breakfasts are very formal around here :-)
O14 January Signature Challenge: Snow Fails
Lol she put her Easter mask on that her grandmother had gotten her, she loves to see me wear it too :P
And then the classic "Why are you crying brotha??"
DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
And one from his birthday.
Clapping is his new fave.
"Hi Mom"
The Daily Nugget
Cycle 12, IUI #1 - 33m post wash 10/15/10 = BFN
Cycle 13, IUI #2 - 15m post wash 11/16/10 = BFP, missed m/c, D&C 1/3/11
Cycle 15 - 18, IUI #3-6 = BFN
Cycle 20, IUI #7 = BFP!, missed m/c 9/14, D&C
DE-IVF Aug. 2012: ER 8/30 11R, 7M, 4F; ET 9/4 returned 2
Beta 9/18 #1-820, #2-1699, #3-7124
10/1 1st u/s measuring right on track, 125 bpm
Not a fan of the empty baby pool; 1st bday eating cake; and a pic before her party
oh, you know, just hanging out...
hanging out in the infant seat...because I can.