
What to eat the day BEFORE C-section

Hello!  I have been lurking on this board for months and am so grateful for the advice I have gotten here.  I am having my first C-section on Thursday AM (twins).  I know that I cannot eat or drink after midnight and that it may be a while before I eat real food after.  With that knowledge, what should I eat Wednesday?  I have heard to keep things light so to make things easier on my system, but also to eat something substantial since it will be a while before I eat a real meal.  Any recommendations? 
DD- Born 03/09/2010
DS- Born 01/21/2012
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Re: What to eat the day BEFORE C-section

  • edited June 2014
    I would eat normal, as I usually do.
    My c/s turned out to be a bit of a surprise - it was planned for Monday, but my doc had an accident and they had us come in on Sunday, a day early, instead. We had no idea that would happen until AFTER breakfast on Sunday. So as you see, I ate normal the day before and the mornig of my surgery and everything was fine...
  • I would eat as you normally would. I had a firehouse sub for lunch and sushi for dinner the night before .

    Best of luck to ya!
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  • Well if you're supposed to eat light then I did it wrong. It was our anniversary the night before my scheduled c section so we went all out for dinner. I ate even more than usual and I was fine. I would eat like you normally would.
  • I ate dinner in the early stages of labor with DD, and ended up having an emergency c/s with her later that night.  And my water broke with DS an hour after I finished Thanksgiving dinner, and he was born about four hours later.  I was scheduled to have an RCS the following week but obviously couldn't stop the clock at that point.  I threw up once right after DD was born and then was fine.  With DS, I anticipated that might happen again, so I had anti-nausea meds in my IV and didn't get sick at all.  So I don't think it matters what you eat the day before.  My only suggestion is making sure you have some fiber in your system, because it will make things easier after surgery.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
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