First off let me start by saying I love my son more than anything else in this world and would do anything to keep him happy.
so here it is.. My husband and I recently moved closer to my parents (we were an hour away before) b/c of his new job. We're now about 20 mins. from them. Before we moved my mom would come help one day a week when she got off work early, and be there at 12:30. When we told her we were moving she PROMISED she would be there every day after work to help with my very busy/needy son ( I can't set him down for even 5 mins w/o him crying and he needs me to hold him while he naps -___- )
well when we moved and she realized that with traffic it would take her 25-30 mins to get here, she decided SORRY I'm back to one day a week. My son is 6 months old now and is even busier. My husband is gone for almost 12 hours a day and I'm unable to drive due to an eye condition. Needless to say I'm at my absolute wits end all the time with my sweet boy, and I know he fusses b/c he's bored and yes still needy. BUT I AM SO TIRED and feeling alone...
when I tell my mom this, it's kind like oh well, sorry he's gone so long, but no offer to help. I just don't know what to do and I'm tired of feeling like a single mom with no family!
Re: Just a little rant/need advice
That sounds like an awful situation but I agree that while it's frustrating your mom changed her mind, it's not her responsibility. You should talk to your husband and look into suggestions by PP (hiring a helper a couple days a week).