Is it wrong that I am sad even though my sister had a baby yesterday? I am super excited for her and grateful that everyone is healthy, however I cannot help being sad for myself. My husband and I have been TTC for 2 1/2 years. I have been on three rounds of clomid, three of Femara, and 1 IUI and still nothing. I am thinking that the experience my sister and millions of other women go through of becoming a mother will never happen for me. I never knew getting pregnant would be so difficult. The wave of emotions of TTC and the emotions of having to deal with hearing other people telling you they are pregnant and meeting their newborn is a lot. Anyone else going through or has gone through this situation?
Re: Is it wrong...
my DH & I had been trying for a while when my little brother & his wife (who is nearly 10 years younger than I am) announced they were pregnant "without even really trying." It actually hurt to watch her pregnancy progress. Don't get me wrong, I adore my now 18 month old niece... But that sadness that it has not happened for us is always there.
So sorry you are going through this.
*************Siggy Warning. Loss mentioned.************
Me: 36, DH:37
Married 4/2010, TTC since 7/2011
Dx: Officially Unexplained (I have Polycystic Ovaries diagnosed via ultrasound, but few classic PCOS symptoms, he has mild MF issues. So... not issue free, but nothing so severe as to explain IF)
I also deal with post-surgical Hypothyroidism following Thyroid Cancer in 2009, but under control with Levothyroxine
4 months Clomid (thinned lining) and 10 months Letrozole (every indication that I responded perfectly)
6 failed IUIs in 2013, 3 with trigger
IVF #1 in March 2014
ER 3/21/14, 31R/21F, 12 frosties!
ET 3/26/14, 1 perfect blast transferred: BFN
FET#1 5/28/14, 2 "beautiful" early blasts transferred. BFP!!
Beta #1 (6/11/14) 798; Beta #2 (6/18/14) 7,966.
1st u/s (6/25/14) showed 2 sacs, 1 empty & 1 with a beautiful little bean doing what it needs to do!
EDD 2/14/15, missed miscarriage, DX: Trisomy 21. D&C 8/1/14
FET#2 Transferred 3 embies, 2 looking pretty good, one not so much. BFN.
IVF#2 January 2015, tentative ER 1/23
Hugs to you!
This is exactly like that for me too!!
Hang in there! There's people that do understand what you're feeling. And we're hear to listen.
IVF #2: April 2014 Antagonist Protocol|12R 11M 10F|Transfer 2|BFP | m/c 5.8.14
U/S shows two beautiful heartbeats at 122!!
Baby A is our stubborn little fighter with a heartrate of 169!
Team BLUE!
Official diagnosis: Unexplained IF. I am 32. I have low ovarian reserve (low AMH), and poor egg quality. I've also been diagnosed with mild glandular developmental arrest (lining problems, detected with EFT).
We are using open ID donor sperm. IUIs #1-7=BFN. IVF September 2014 antagonist protocol, 8R,5M,3F, 5 day transfer of 1 morula = BFN. IVF#2 planned for January 2015 (antagonist protocol + HGH).