Nurseries and Baby Gear

Snuza (again)..,keep having false alarms

I posted a couple weeks ago about the snuza, so we bought one. The problem is that is goes off nearly every night. I can't seem to get it to stay tight on the diaper. It starts off that way then somehow loosens and falls partially off.

She is still in newborn size diapers and we have the huggies little snugglers with the umbilical cord cut out, so I don't know if that is part of the problem. We make the diaper tight and put the snuza in the middle right on her belly button. Any tips on how to keep it secure? We are over the nightly heart attacks.
BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Snuza (again)..,keep having false alarms

  • We had to use something with a waist band over it to hold it in place... usually a pair of shorts.  totally solved the problem.
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  • ebp913ebp913 member
    Velcro trick works great. 
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  • My son almost always slept in a onesie so that helped keep it in place.  
  • Thank for the suggestions. We tried it on the side last night and it worked for the first round of sleep, but not the second. I'll go look for Velcro today. I have a ton at work, but unfortunately I'm not there!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I always put mine off to the side, never directly on or under her belly button. (By side I just mean off center not on the baby's actual side). Make sure the diaper is on tight as well. I've also heard of someone attaching a small piece of Velcro (the rough side) to the battery back which helps it stay in place better since it will adhere to the diaper. (I only had 2-3 false alarms in the 10 months I used it).
    We did the velcro thing and never had a false alarm again, even after she started rolling over and moving around a lot.  Also, if you fold over the top of the diaper it helps. 
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  • Fold over the top of the diaper so it has more to grip onto. A onesie helps as well.  The only times I've had false alarms were when I didn't fold over the diaper and it slipped off.  The velcro trick sounds great, too!
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