Cycle Info
What month/cycles are you in?
What's your CD?
Where are you in your cycle (Waiting to O, 2ww, Waiting for AF, Other?)
If you're in the 2ww what DPO are you?
When are you testing?
What supplements or med are you taking, if any?
What is your current phantom due date?
Do you chart? Share you link for stalking!
If you aren't pregnant this cycle what will you do differently?
How are you feeling emotionally about TTC?
Anything else to add?
GTKY: Highs and lows from the previous week? (I like reflection ;-) )

TTC #2 since 10/2013
BFP #1 (4.14.14) ~ CP (4.18.14)
BFP #2 (6.27.14) ~ EDD 3.7.15
Re: TTC Check In 6/2
What's your CD? 4
Where are you in your cycle? Waiting to O
If you're in the 2ww what DPO are you? X
When are you testing? I was so proud of myself that I held off. And it turned out FF had my days wrong, so I never got to test Sat. So I'm going to aim for 12DPO again when it rolls around.
What supplements or med are you taking, if any? PNV and garlic pills.
What is your current phantom due date? March. That's as far ahead as I've looked into.
Do you chart? Share you link for stalking! Nothing exciting:
If you aren't pregnant this cycle what will you do differently? Just keep swimming...
How are you feeling emotionally about TTC? I wasn't as upset this time as I have been. Like I said, was just happy to know my body wasn't too affected. It was a longer cycle, but I'm no stranger to those. Just haven't had a long one in awhile. I'm surprisingly calm.
Anything else to add?
@bre_anna_101: I got your package! Thank you so much! I hope these ones are easier for me to analyze and can't wait to start POAS :-)
GTKY: Highs and lows from your weekend? High: Hayley had her first ice cream cone this evening (she has only ever had a few spoonfuls). She loved it and it cracked me up when she said "Brr rr rr! That's chilly!" Low: Drank way too much wine at DH's bowling banquet - spent the entire Sunday hungover like I was 21 all over again. Horrible feeling - will never do it again!
TTC #2 since 10/2013
BFP #1 (4.14.14) ~ CP (4.18.14)
BFP #2 (6.27.14) ~ EDD 3.7.15
What month/cycles are you in? 14 TTC #2, 6 AL
What's your CD? 11
Where are you in your cycle (Waiting to O, 2ww, Waiting for AF, Other?) Waiting to O
If you're in the 2ww what DPO are you?
When are you testing? Not till I am late
What supplements or med are you taking, if any? PNV, Letrizole
What is your current phantom due date? I haven't looked
Do you chart? Share you link for stalking! I am not temping again this month. I will use OPK's though for timing.
If you aren't pregnant this cycle what will you do differently? Probably take a break for a few months because we have so much going on this summer, and then make an apt. with an RE. I am currently seeing my OB for the Letrizole monitoring (3rd cycle with meds.)
How are you feeling emotionally about TTC? Really trying not to stress about it. Not temping has helped me keep my mind off of it and not over analyze. Also, ready for this TTC journey to be over.
Anything else to add? Good luck ladies! I know I haven't been participating as much here, but still thinking of you all.
GTKY: Highs and lows from the previous week? (I like reflection ) Highs: went on vacation with DH and DS. Lows: busy at work this week
I'm on my phone, so I apologize for the formatting. I'm on CD 10. 8th cycle AL, TTC #2, over one year of TTC now. I talked to my OB and we will do some blood work next cycle at cd3. DH went in for a semen analysis yesterday. I have another appointment with her on July 11. In the meantime, I'm still working on losing some weight (down 13 pounds now- yay!). We will come up with a new plan at my July appointment or move on to an RE.
I'm feeling OK right now. Of course I wish this journey wasn't so hard but I recently just learned that a co-worker just had her 4th mc and still has no take home baby. It puts things in a whole new perspective for me. I'm gonna take it one day at a time and be thankful I have an amazing DD and DH.
Good luck to you ladies this month! Fingers crossed for some BFP's.
BFP #2: 7/24/13, MC: 8/28/13 @8weeks, 3days