Again, sorry if link doesn't work... I should just put that disclaimer in my siggy.
Anyway what does parenting think? I have to be honest, I'm really just hearing about it and curious to know the details. I think we can all agree we're happy to have a solider home... but at what cost? Some are saying other soldiers lost their lives looking for him. Others are pissed at who we released in exchange. I guess my biggest question I want to know from him is why did he walk off in the first place? I feel like I missed that. ..Or was he captured from his post?
Re: Hot Topic Bowe Berghal's release
That being said, there is now a price on any American service member within the Taliban's reach.
I don't know enough about the circumstances of his capture to have an intelligent opinion on that.
And thus why foreign diplomacy is such a tricky beast.
He was the only service member still captive at any rate.
I have not seen enough confirmed information to know what to think. There is a lot of buzz that he walked off in the middle of the night after asking his commanding officer if he could get in trouble for leanving with military equipment. There are reports that several men in his platoon died while trying to find him. But, all of this information is coming from new outlets that have not confirmed this with hard evidence.
Although, it seems that the root of a lot of the "reports" out there are based on a Rolling Stone article from 2012.
I have certain feelings about it now, but they could change as more concrete information rolls in.
I also think that part of the reason this is such a tinderbox of a topic is because of a Marine that is being held in a Mexican prison for what many are calling trumped-up charges. Again, I haven't read any strong evidence. But, there is a vocal group saying that a dedicated Marine that got lost should count more than a defector.
Lots of people making lots of assumptions.
Also, the increase in attacks that the soldiers are saying happened might be because the Taliban likes to expend their ammo before Winter hits.
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"><a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>I am reserving my judgement for if/when I hear more regarding his capture. We don't leave our people behind. But if he walked away...different scenario.
We let go some major players. This will bite us in the future.
I have a feeling I know the answer though.
97.1 the ticket ...sports radio
Also, just to sorta devils advocate a bit.... You admit what he did was illegal (even if bogus) how would you feel if he's prosecuted upon his return? If I walked away from my job and took equipment, then pretty much wasted my city's resources on trying to find me, not to forget the 6 volunteers who died looking for me. And my answer was, "sorry but I just couldn't stand selling insurance anymore!" (Obvs my job is not fucking comparable to fighting in a war. ) but should I still answer for 1) stealing equipment 2) the lives lost 3) wasting a lot of resources
My husband is a marine, I am not insensitive to the mental breakdowns that occur. But it's not like the kid was at home in Alaska and decided, "fuck this, I'm going home!" Or to the titty bar or something.
As to what someone else mentioned, I would not compare this to the marine in Mexico. From what I read/saw in that article leads me to believe that guy made a wrong turn while driving drunk and had guns in his car. ...not exactly the same. I understand he was treated poorly for awhile and I hate to assume... But I am assuming he was a bit of a drunken asshole (marine or no marine. Not to mention off duty) when it happened, and I doubt the Mexican police are extra kind to rude, drunk, armed people
It's a fine line to walk. Every service person with a mental breakdown will get a pass in military court because it's a very mentally difficult job?
By no means am I saying he's a bad person or a turncoat, but I think he has to answer for his actions. And just because someone wears a uniform doesn't mean there a hero, IMO.
@mbenit4, I must have watched too much homeland as well, because I'm with you on there being more going on. I've got crazy theories...including the US implanting the newest technology in tracking devices into the released prisoners.
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I don't think that anything here has to be mutually exclusive.
Someone that enlists when we are at war cannot later say that the war was not what s/he thought it was going to be. Has there ever been a nice war?
Soldiers see things that only other soldiers can understand. None of us can know what was going on in head, we only know the emails that his parents have shared with us.
*If* he deserted, he needs to be held accountable for his actions. I know nothing of military law or consequence, so I have no way of knowing if the last 5 years would be a sufficient consequence in accordance with the law. But, other soldiers died searching for him. You could argue that they knew the risks when they voluntarily enlisted. But, the same argument needs to be made for him. I am glad that he is not a POW anymore, and I feel empathy for what I imagined he went through, but I do not think that means that he should not be held accountable, if the facts come in that he deserted.
I am curious if the government will ever let the general public ever know what actually happened that night.