One of the most insanely annoying, irritating, frustrating things in this world is people who lie. Especially people who lie in order to make themselves look better, to put the other person down, or to make their situation not as shitty as it is.
I heard from my attorney today that she heard from ManChild's attorney and the whole thing is one big shit show.
First, I JUST LEARNED like 3 days ago from MC that E is entitled to social security benefits since he is retired and receives SS. All of a sudden MC's atty says I am dragging my feet in getting them and plans on telling the judge that when we go in two weeks. WHAT? How could I be dragging my feet in 3 days? I literally just found out about this when MC told me I needed to call SS and guess what I did? I was on the phone with them in like 3 minutes.
Then the atty says E is on his insurance. HUH? I was always told by MC that a social card was needed for her to be on his insurance, of which she doesnt have bc I've tried to get one 3 times and he has tried NONE. She is on DEERS which is entirely different (basically just appears in the system that he has a daughter and that's it), so either MC is lying, his atty is lying, or his atty has no idea the difference. If she is on his insurance, I sure as hell have not been sent any insurance cards or any information...and when I called DEERS, they had my correct information...INCLUDING MY ADDRESS.
This shit pisses me off that I am going to have to defend myself in court against LIES. I mean WTF? I'm going to be thrown under the bus saying I am purposefully dragging my feet ON GETTING MONEY!??!?!?!?!? When this clown has not even seen his daughter once? Hasn't paid a dime? Hasn't anything??!?!??
And no I'm not going to give myself a heart attack. I'm just fine. On the verge of laughter. Seriously. I'm just flabbergasted at how crazy this gets as the weeks go by. Why is he even fighting? Just to make my life miserable like I always said he would do. It's not about her, it's about getting at me.
Totally unreal. I pray the judge sees through the crap.
PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
Re: Lies.
Throwing leaves