
At what age did your DC give up the afternoon nap?

My DD is 2 yrs 8 mo and hasn't napped (despite keeping the same naptime routine) in two weeks.  Should we throw in the towel or keep trying?  She's a total crab by 5 o'clock if she doesn't nap.
SAHM to DD1 (7), DS (5) and DD2 (1)

Re: At what age did your DC give up the afternoon nap?

  • Every kid is different, but anytime from 2-5 is normal!  My son gets time in his room so I Get some sanity break but yeah, if we pick up DH from work he often falls asleep at 5pm.  But he refuses to sleep.

    You could try to move bedtime earlier unless it is already early?

  • I say my DD (3yrs & 4.5 mos) naps about 70% of the time...just having trouble getting her to potty before nap

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  • I definitely think it varies from kid to kid, but if your DD is sill crabby without one, I think she needs one. What I'd do, since she's refusing to nap, is tell her she needs to at least play/read quietly in her room. She may end up falling asleep in there. 
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