Ugh! My girls are expert sleepers during the day but at night, forget it. They just want to cry lately.

I am soooo tired. We try to keep them awake during the day, but that's hard to do with 2 month olds who want to sleep. I think they have their days/night mixed up. Is this something they will outgrow? Any suggestions?
Re: why won't they sleep at night???
The book healthy sleep happy baby is great. One thing to do at night is when they get up to eat, don;t change them, unless you know that they have pooped, keep the lights low and don;t talk to them in the middle of the night. I know that not talking to them seems mean, but really it works, they will know that night time is sleeping time, and not play time.
good luck i hope you get some sleep soon.
We found that about the third month, our boys slept pretty well during the night - from about 12-6. We let them sleep as much as they want all day/night until about 8pm and then keep them up by playing and talking to them. They are mostly breastfed, but we do give formula/cereal bottles for the last feeding. Not sure if it actually does anything, but getting 5-6 hours of sleep is wonderful!
best of luck!