Having high blood pressure these are my only two options according to my midwife. I have no clue whether to choose mirena or the mini pill as I have no experience with either. I like the convenience of the mirena as it will probably be a year or two before we try for a second baby but I'm a little hesitant to have something put in my body.
Do you ladies have a preference for one or the other or any experience with Mirena(good or bad)?
Re: Mini pill vs mirena
LCT - 5.15.14 ~ 9lbs, 22.5 inches
T 2.12 | W 5.14
I never considered the implants, will ask about them at my appt.
@ho11yday I would suggest anything other then depo, I did it a few years back and it was terrible. Lots of spotting, weight gain, moodiness I had every bad symptom you can list. It's just a ton of hormones all at once.
I think I am going to try the mirena, I'm terrible at remembering to take a pill everyday.