Trouble TTC

Ovidrel trigger shot dose-Impart your wisdom on me once again, please!

meld42meld42 member
edited May 2014 in Trouble TTC
It was an error- my doctor thought the brand she ordered came in a lower dose than it dose. I received one syringe of the Ovidrel. She ordered me half the dose of a prescription of Novarel and when they figured out that I'd be wasting half, they gave me one shot of Ovidrel to save $$. Thanks for helping me out:)

Hey guys, 

Had my follicle check today, and we're looking like a trigger shot on Monday! I was prescribed only 1,000 IUs of novarel.. which my pharmacy wouldn't even give me, they got my doctor to switch the brand to ovidrel so they could give me 1,000IUs.. 

Is this a weirdly low dose to trigger? I wasn't spoken to about the amounts of this drug, is it typical to test at the lowest dose before moving up? 

On a side note, I just want to say how grateful I am for this community-- I know for a fact I'd be progressing much more slowly if I didn't have the knowledge that this community provides!

Re: Ovidrel trigger shot dose-Impart your wisdom on me once again, please!

  • meld42meld42 member
    Rumbera28 said:
    I can't remember my dosage on ovidrel but I always thought that there was just one standard syringe for everyone. I could be wrong though!
    That's what I thought, too! They were even confused at the pharmacy, and even called my doctor to see if she made a typo.. I'm guessing she didn't get a typo since they switched the brand to something they could give me a smaller dose in. So weird.
  • meld42meld42 member
    CaterinaC said:
    I actually have the shot at home in my fridge. Off the top of my head I thought the average dosage for Ovidrel was 250iu. I can check when I get home though.
    Thanks, CaterinaC! That makes me feel a bit better, my doctor's office closed at 1pm today, so I wasn't able to call and ask directly! The whole situation was just weird getting this drug, it added to the weirdness when the pharmacist started talking to me about doses. 
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  • meld42meld42 member
    Thanks @CaterinaC !! 

    When I went to pick up the prescription she explained what went on! This makes me feel much more confident in our procedure! :) 

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